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Balance of Power! (346)

King Shuckle said:
~Loosin' Your Balance (In meaning of the Balance Badge)

that what I think because look

A Winner by a Nosepass! (based on a pokemon)
Just One of The Geysers! (Based on the field)
Watt's With Wattson! (based on the gym leader)
Going Going Yawn! (Based a move)

so a badge realated title will be good because it is different there are titles in hoenn for Pokemon, field, leader and move! so it would be great!! but 4kids will muck it up, I bet!
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Geodude said:
How about Fighting for Balance?

That sounds good! and it fits into the whole new style of title! so if it is(which it is) a pun on the badge it is different! anyway Torkoal was used! Yeah! Rock on!!!! But it was about a couple of minutes in the spotlight and it is his only gym battle.(The writers really know how to ruin the show! don't they!)

V Faction

How about, "OMG I havetu Balance da Check Book afore teh moneymenz comez and take... OHNOEZ!!11 theyarz her! runaawy!11 auauaughhhghhhh..... ...."

Or is that too long?


V Faction said:
How about, "OMG I havetu Balance da Check Book afore teh moneymenz comez and take... OHNOEZ!!11 theyarz her! runaawy!11 auauaughhhghhhh..... ...."

Or is that too long?

Hmmmm... better than some of the other suggestions in this thread. 'Course, I really have no interest in this episode whatsoever. I've never been too keen on Senri, to be honest, or the Pokemon he uses. Bring on Winona and the second appearence of Roxanne I say.

Wait, did I say that bit about Roxanne out loud? *quickly hides the secret future Pokemon scripts he stole*

They'll most likely call this episode 'The Slaking of the Jungle', or something equally lame. >.>
Yes! Everyone knows how much I wanted a title with the word Balance and the title is "Balance of Power!" Yes they haven't ruined it! So it is still
Pokemon, Field, Gym Leader, Move and Badge Titles! Yes! Go 4Kids! I never though I would say that!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
"The Balanace of Power" is based off "The Balance of Terror" which was an old Star Trek Episode name. Yes, Star Trek has finally come to Pokemon. :D


*swoons for Noland*
I must say. I'm getting anxious for this episode. Been awhile since I got excited for an episode that I know the outcome of...


EEEEKKKKKK! I can't wait to see this epsiode tomorrow! I seen the pictures and it looks really good! Norman is one of my fave. gym leaders and I like gym leaders who gives off good strageties (hope I spelled it right) that get Ash thinking to a whole another level!

V Faction

Almighty Zard said:
who wants to bet that they will make up excuses for Grovyle and pikachus abilities.
Let's hope not. I've been waiting in anticipation for so long just for the abilities and I'm crossing my fingers. After Soundproof, it's a scary thought.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Big Al said:
"The Balanace of Power" is based off "The Balance of Terror" which was an old Star Trek Episode name. Yes, Star Trek has finally come to Pokemon. :D
Has Happened Before

"The Trouble With Snubbull" from "The Trouble With Tribbles"


Balance of Power has been a phrase for a while...they use it this time in reference to the Balance Badge
Serebii said:
Has Happened Before

"The Trouble With Snubbull" from "The Trouble With Tribbles"


Balance of Power has been a phrase for a while...they use it this time in reference to the Balance Badge

Yeah as I said before! Its a different sort of pun!

Rustboro-Pun on a pokemon!
Dewford-Pun on the field type!
Maville-Pun on gym leader name!
Larverge-Pun on a move!
Petalburg-Pun on Badge!

I hope they don't make an excuse for the abilities!

Korobooshi Kojiro

History Lesson Time.

Okay, we learned this a few weeks ago in history. Balance of Power is what Great Britian did. They did not want to join up with the strongest country and make it to powerful, so they would join up with weakest.

Anyway, I love that Torkoal gets some action in!

Only bad thing is during the coolest part of the Episode OK plays, so in the Dub we'll get some dumb dub music.
Kojiro said:
History Lesson Time.

Okay, we learned this a few weeks ago in history. Balance of Power is what Great Britian did. They did not want to join up with the strongest country and make it to powerful, so they would join up with weakest.

Anyway, I love that Torkoal gets some action in!

Only bad thing is during the coolest part of the Episode OK plays, so in the Dub we'll get some dumb dub music.

Oh! Yeah I just remembered about Torkoal's cool battle action! Everyone should know when I see this ep I will be hyper!

Korobooshi Kojiro

Torkoal Stu said:
Oh! Yeah I just remembered about Torkoal's cool battle action! Everyone should know when I see this ep I will be hyper!

Me too! Torkoal is one of my favorite of the gang's Pokemon. Right up there with Corphish and [SPOIL]Snorunt ^.^[/SPOIL]