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Banned Pokemon Manga

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Do you know what are the banned manga? If you know what manga are banned, please show me pics. I would like to here from you.
1.No Hentai
2.No non-Pokemon stuff

I would like you to post now
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In lucid awakening
And the rule on these forums are, don't use caps just to stress your point, they are stressful to the readers.

Anyway, there are no pokemon manga that have been banned so far, unless you are counting some possible hentai ones which aren't authorized or recognized by Nintendo in the first place. I'm not referring to fan manga either coz they are fan stuff, not published, and no one would bother banning them anyway.

The only pokemon manga that has been 'rumoured' to be 'banned' is The Electric Tale of Pikachu by Toshihiro Ono, which is 'said' to be stopped by either the Japanese or American companies because of certain explicit ways Ono draws his female characters. But this is from what I see just a rumour. Other than that, no, there doesn't seem to be any banned manga.

This thread actually serves little purpose as banned pokemon manga don't exist, but just in case someone else knows of any, I'm keeping this open for the moment.



I'm Back? YAY!
^The Electric Tale of pikahu is quite perv..I mean...They showed Misty's Bosoms,She full-body and butt naked..and many more"such" things!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
The Pikachu comic was editted heavily before it made it to the American consumer. Although must of the editting was justified (as Blackjack has commented many times), they went too far.


Well-Known Member
Coronis, do you mean that manga being banned out of Japan? If so, it wasn't.


Raiden Maximus
I think one of them was 'Poket Monsters' The scary clefairy saga, probably because of the [SPOIL]balls joke[/SPOIL]


Beyond repair
pikadon92 said:
I think one of them was 'Poket Monsters' The scary clefairy saga, probably because of the [SPOIL]balls joke[/SPOIL]
WTF is this [spoil]balls joke[/spoil]?


In lucid awakening
Former Absolkid said:
Coronis, do you mean that manga being banned out of Japan? If so, it wasn't.

Oh, that's not what I meant. The issues that have been released are not withdrawn or anything, but there was a rumour that the reason why Ono stopped doing it after the Orange Island saga is that he received pressure from the publishers or something, though I still have yet to find concrete sources for this piece of info.

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