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Banned XBOX 360 Ad



Thunder Child

Dedicated Trainer
It wasn't banned, they just refused to air it.

Even though it's a blatant rip-off of Spaced (season 2, episode 5), that's got to be the funniest Mexican standoff ever. So much better than that sh*tty advert we have at the moment.

Perfect Darkness

Lol, it's moderetly funny. I can see why the wouldn't air it. The end was the best part though. Of course it's a ripoff, but the music also just made it that much funnier



Well-Known Member
HA! Flipping hilarius! One of the best adverts I've seen in a long time. Anyone know why Microsoft stopped shoping it?


Best Ad for microsoft so far. XD! Best part for me is when that lady through the imaginary grenade. Too bad it's banned though.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
realy good advert, but I can see myself saying 'stop it with the smeggin' Xbox 360 ad!!' after a while, lengthy but funny

Flame Haze SnS

This ad was very funny! I wish they could air this instead of the other boring ones like throwing the water balloons or jumping ropes.


I dont get why it would be banned. Its good though but is long and would get annooying after the 100th time.

I like the imaginary grenade part. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this was banned!?! There's nothing even wrong with it, heck it's funny. Guess America is too scared of guns of anykind nowadays.


It wasn't banned, Microsoft just decided not to air it, which probably was a good idea. But it was them who released it on the internet. But yeah, a bunch of people shooting each other in a subway? As stupid as it is, SOMEONE would have complained.