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|||Banner Shop II---

Azure Wolf

Well-Known Member
.:Banner Shop

Announcement: The June Banner Contest has been made, applicants please go to the Digital Media Section or follow this link- June Banner Contest
Shop: Closed

-Use the form, if you don't then [banning] got it?
-Give me credit.
-Don't spam or flame, if you will, I'm gonna rip those [---]
-Don't start with me, you will not win, seriously.
-If you are banned, then get the hell out of my shop and don't show your stupid face here again.
-If the shop is closed, then don't try to be nosy and request, cause it'll be ignored and you will get banned.
-Type 'Fate is Inevitable' in your requests.
-If you missed even one rule, then just kiss your banner goodbye.
-I only do banners.
-Give me links to your pictures.
-If your request is a pile of bullsh*t then I'm going to reject it, so request cleverly with details.
-I won't accept small, low quality or retarded images.
-Read the rules again.

Lust will not do any of your banners, so don't go asking her around because she aldready has a shop and has endured enough crap from people, she will check on people who broke the rules and has full permission to ban, warn or even humiliate you if you are violating the rules, so be careful around her.

Steal any of my banners and I will whip you in the as*.

.:Banned list

Main Colors:

If you are good at banner making, please inform me.
Request away.
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Kitsune Winterheart

Wintry Lights
Fate is Inevitable

Maybe you should delete your other 3 shops, customers can find your shop even without 'em. :p

-Pictures: This
-Texture: Dark, shadowy
-Main Colors: Different shades of black
-Text: Killed hope
-Sub-Text: None
-Anything Extra: Do your best ~<(@_@)>~ If you get any good extra ideas to that banner, feel free to add 'em without asking.

Thanks in future. PM me if you need extra info.
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Well-Known Member
ok hi. srry if my details arent perfect but i will try my best

Texture:Black background by fiery around
Main Colors:Black and red
Text:BOld papyrus, if u dont have it the just bold impact
Any Things Extra: umm i would like it to say houndoom on the top center, and "fear the blazing inferno" at the bottom all in the papyrus text. thnx nd PM me 4 anymore info


Bloody git
'Fate is Inevitable'

-Pictures: Ryoma
-Texture: Fiery. (I believe like your Deity banner)
-Main Colors: Blues and whites
-Text: Mada Mada Dane
-Sub-Text: Hakuryuu
-Anything Extra: No thank you.

Thank you very much! <3


For the lulz
Fate is inevitable




-Texture: "spacey"
-Main Colors:silver and black
-Sub Text: none
-Anything Extra: can I suggest the size? If so I'd prefer 360x125
I'd like you to change the color of the sharingan to silver and put it perferably in the top left, I also want it to kinda fade into the background.
I'd like the small pic of the silver surfer to be in the top right sorta faded.

Azure Wolf

Well-Known Member
ok hi. srry if my details arent perfect but i will try my best

Texture:Black background by fiery around
Main Colors:Black and red
Text:BOld papyrus, if u dont have it the just bold impact
Any Things Extra: umm i would like it to say houndoom on the top center, and "fear the blazing inferno" at the bottom all in the papyrus text. thnx nd PM me 4 anymore info
Unfortunatly, your details are not perfect, banned.

'Fate is Inevitable'

-Pictures: Ryoma
-Texture: Fiery. (I believe like your Deity banner)
-Main Colors: Blues and whites
-Text: Mada Mada Dane
-Sub-Text: Hakuryuu
-Anything Extra: No thank you.

Thank you very much! <3
Got it.
Fate is inevitable




-Texture: "spacey"
-Main Colors:silver and black
-Sub Text: none
-Anything Extra: can I suggest the size? If so I'd prefer 360x125
I'd like you to change the color of the sharingan to silver and put it perferably in the top left, I also want it to kinda fade into the background.
I'd like the small pic of the silver surfer to be in the top right sorta faded.
Same goes to you.
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Well-Known Member
Fate is inevitable

-Texture: (Fiery)
-Main Colors:Red
-Text:Feel the burn
-Anything Extra: (Optional)

Thank you
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Need Arceus Headshot
Fate is inevitable

-Pictures: Roy
-Texture: Fiery
-Main Colors: Orange & White
-Text: Arial
-Sub-Text: Yea, It's the millitary.
-Anything Extra: Nothing

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Azure Wolf

Well-Known Member

Really confused with the text.

Small picture= Small Banner
EDIT: I'm losing my banner making touch with all these low grade pictures, please be better in requests.


Need Arceus Headshot
Omg, thnx. I luv it : D
(I want request another, but I don't want give you too much work, and trouble.)
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Need Arceus Headshot
O RLY? Yay, thanks~ *hug*

Fate is inevitable
-Pictures: Edward
-Texture: Grassy
-Main Colors: Bloodred (or red), gray and grass green.
-Text: Arial
-Sub-Text: Fullmetal isn't cute, but still charming.
-Anything Extra: Nothing



Bloody git

Omg. Sorry for the late reply. Dara loves it so. The colors and everything look great! Sorry if my picture was low quality. >< Thank you again!