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Bashful Mewtwo?


Eevee Lover
I finaly caught mewtwo and it said



Also a couple other questens
why is mewtwo 150 and mew 151 if mewtwo is mews clon?
4 of my pokemon have the same id no?


I am the game
natures are random and ID numbers are the same unless you traded someone.


why is mewtwo 150 and mew 151 if mewtwo is mews clon?
4 of my pokemon have the same id no?

I've often thought of that too. My only explanation is this: There has only been very few sightings of mew, some people think of it as a Myth. However when they found some DNA in South America, they created MewTwo...thinking that they have controlled/captured it. No longer after that it escaped, and Mew battled him (insert movie).
Mewtwo is technically a different species of pokemon, like a much more powerful Mew


Well-Known Member
A. Natures are random.
B. Well only like a select few have seen Mew so everyone considers him/her a myth. But mewtwo has been seen by quite a few so they just put it like that. That is the worst possible answer.
C. All your pokemon's ID number's the same. They're assigned to YOU!


Beginning Trainer
Well if there is a Bashful Mewtwo, then that would mean Mewtwo is too shy, and couldn't attack much.


That only applies in the battle palace. But I have the perfect ived and eved modest mewtwo.