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Baton pass team, rate plz


Well-Known Member
Eggy = Exeggutor.

For a recipient, try Metagross with Meteor Mash, EQ, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Quiet nature.


ok, I laughed at this;

that is one of the worst spreads I've ever seen.
Please, try to explain to me what the hell that ammount of speed does? The only thing you really need to taunt is skarmory, to stop him laying down spikes and ****ing up your chain, and that only requires 44 speed EVs.
Outspeeds DDTar and outTaunts it. I'm surprised you haven't realized this, it's quite standard.
seriosly, lol.

I can see how fast it is, I am just stating to you the fact it is utterly pointless.
people who use it are as bad as people who use Max Atk CB Metagross, and max speed Timid Jolteon / Jolly Aerodatyl.