In this topic, you get 2 teams to look over, one on the GBA, one in Colloseum. These two teams will battle it out on Colloseum, in a 6 on 6 battle. There are just a couple of rules:
1.No hold items (That'll make Emerald have too large of an advantage, thanks to the multitude of items avalable in the game).
2.No uber Legendaries (not that I have any to use)
3.A pokemon can only be switched if the current pokemon is knocked out.
4.No using Explosion, Perish Song, etc. on the final pokemon
Now, in this corner, we have the Emerald team, and their trainer, Josh. This team was the first and only team in Emerald to make it to the Hall of Fame thus far.
Impish Nature
Lv. 54 F
-Calm Mind
One of the first pokemon Josh ever caught, and the MVP of the Elite 4 battle, Gardevoir is one of the first pokemon to go out when facing the unknown. With Calm Mind, 2 special attacks, and Hypnosis, she can do some damage.
Naive Nature
Lv. 54 M
Ability:Keen Eye
-Air Cutter
-Steel wing
Though most useful outside of battle, dont underedstimate him. Air Cutter has a high chance of a Critical hit, Spikes can help gain the upper hand when a pokemon is switched, and Steel Wing helps with STAB. Fly is basically there just to make it easier to move around in Emerald.
Careful Nature
Lv.55 F
-Leaf Blade
The mother of a future Battle Frontier pokekmon, this is not the best Sceptile set in general. But it works for one that has a higher Attack than her Special Attack. Leaf Blade for obvious reasons, or she has the option of using Screech, then throwing out a Return. Agility is there for a filler.
Adament nature
Lv.54 F
Ability:Rock Head
-Rock Blast
Near invervious to most attacks, Golem can take some damage and deal some of her own. Earthquale and Rock Blast to deal some damage, Return if they're resistant for whatever reason, and Explosion if she runs into trouble.
Bashful Nature
Lv.54 M
Ability:Huge Power
-Ice Beam
-Brick Break
-Double Edge
Another early catch, Azumarill can take some hits as well (Though not as well as Golem). Ice beam for Grasses, Surf for most, Brick Break and Double Edge take advantage of his ability.
Mild nature
Lv. 54 M
-Swords Dance
-Aerial Ace
-Shadow Ball
A great attacker, Absol raises his attack using Swords Dance, then strikes with whatever attack will work for the current situation.
And now, in the other corner, we have the Colloseum team, led by Link (no, not that Link). 5 of the 6 pokemon in this team was the team that beat Cipher's boss in Regalm Tower.
Rash Nature
Lv. 52
-Rain Dance
-Quick Attack
This fearsome cat was a snag that took our hero a few tries. Rain Dance/Thunder is it's main mode of attack, and Reflect helps to ward off attacks. Quick Attack is a filler.
Calm Nature
-Rain Dance
-Auora Beam
Another one that took a couple of tries, this cat can take a few hits if need be. Rain Dance and Surf are there for obvious reasons, Auora Beam does help with grasses, and Gust is filler.
Naive nature
Lv. 52 F
-Sleep Powder
-Mega Drain
-Cotten Spore
Not the strongest pokemon in the arsenol, but Sleep Powder can work as a decent stall while the opponent's life is being drained. And if needed, Synthesis can give an instant boost of health.
Bold Nature
Lv.52 M
-Flame Wheel
-Sunny Day
Flame wheel isn't all that powerful in and of itself. But combined with Sunny Day it does. Sunny Day also helps weaken water pokemon, while Dig gives variety, and Smokescreen is filler.
Hardy nature
Lv 50 M
-Helping Hand
Forced to step in thanks to Metagross still being Shadow, Espeon is still strong. Psychic is one of the best psychic moves in the game, Return helps with anything resistant to it, and Reflect helps with his low defense. Helping Hand was only useful in double battles.
Brave Nature
Lv.55 M
Ability:Sand Stream
-Rock Slide
The heavy hitter of the team, Tyranator was caught with the Master ball (and I don't use the Master Ball glitch) and purified with the Time Flute. Though it's strongest attacks are pretty much left up to chance, it can last long enough to try a couple of times. And it has high enough stats to use it's more accurate attacks to have a good effect as well.
Well, there you are. Two teams, two games, but only one will reign surpreme.
1.No hold items (That'll make Emerald have too large of an advantage, thanks to the multitude of items avalable in the game).
2.No uber Legendaries (not that I have any to use)
3.A pokemon can only be switched if the current pokemon is knocked out.
4.No using Explosion, Perish Song, etc. on the final pokemon
Now, in this corner, we have the Emerald team, and their trainer, Josh. This team was the first and only team in Emerald to make it to the Hall of Fame thus far.
Impish Nature
Lv. 54 F
-Calm Mind
One of the first pokemon Josh ever caught, and the MVP of the Elite 4 battle, Gardevoir is one of the first pokemon to go out when facing the unknown. With Calm Mind, 2 special attacks, and Hypnosis, she can do some damage.
Naive Nature
Lv. 54 M
Ability:Keen Eye
-Air Cutter
-Steel wing
Though most useful outside of battle, dont underedstimate him. Air Cutter has a high chance of a Critical hit, Spikes can help gain the upper hand when a pokemon is switched, and Steel Wing helps with STAB. Fly is basically there just to make it easier to move around in Emerald.
Careful Nature
Lv.55 F
-Leaf Blade
The mother of a future Battle Frontier pokekmon, this is not the best Sceptile set in general. But it works for one that has a higher Attack than her Special Attack. Leaf Blade for obvious reasons, or she has the option of using Screech, then throwing out a Return. Agility is there for a filler.
Adament nature
Lv.54 F
Ability:Rock Head
-Rock Blast
Near invervious to most attacks, Golem can take some damage and deal some of her own. Earthquale and Rock Blast to deal some damage, Return if they're resistant for whatever reason, and Explosion if she runs into trouble.
Bashful Nature
Lv.54 M
Ability:Huge Power
-Ice Beam
-Brick Break
-Double Edge
Another early catch, Azumarill can take some hits as well (Though not as well as Golem). Ice beam for Grasses, Surf for most, Brick Break and Double Edge take advantage of his ability.
Mild nature
Lv. 54 M
-Swords Dance
-Aerial Ace
-Shadow Ball
A great attacker, Absol raises his attack using Swords Dance, then strikes with whatever attack will work for the current situation.
And now, in the other corner, we have the Colloseum team, led by Link (no, not that Link). 5 of the 6 pokemon in this team was the team that beat Cipher's boss in Regalm Tower.
Rash Nature
Lv. 52
-Rain Dance
-Quick Attack
This fearsome cat was a snag that took our hero a few tries. Rain Dance/Thunder is it's main mode of attack, and Reflect helps to ward off attacks. Quick Attack is a filler.
Calm Nature
-Rain Dance
-Auora Beam
Another one that took a couple of tries, this cat can take a few hits if need be. Rain Dance and Surf are there for obvious reasons, Auora Beam does help with grasses, and Gust is filler.
Naive nature
Lv. 52 F
-Sleep Powder
-Mega Drain
-Cotten Spore
Not the strongest pokemon in the arsenol, but Sleep Powder can work as a decent stall while the opponent's life is being drained. And if needed, Synthesis can give an instant boost of health.
Bold Nature
Lv.52 M
-Flame Wheel
-Sunny Day
Flame wheel isn't all that powerful in and of itself. But combined with Sunny Day it does. Sunny Day also helps weaken water pokemon, while Dig gives variety, and Smokescreen is filler.
Hardy nature
Lv 50 M
-Helping Hand
Forced to step in thanks to Metagross still being Shadow, Espeon is still strong. Psychic is one of the best psychic moves in the game, Return helps with anything resistant to it, and Reflect helps with his low defense. Helping Hand was only useful in double battles.
Brave Nature
Lv.55 M
Ability:Sand Stream
-Rock Slide
The heavy hitter of the team, Tyranator was caught with the Master ball (and I don't use the Master Ball glitch) and purified with the Time Flute. Though it's strongest attacks are pretty much left up to chance, it can last long enough to try a couple of times. And it has high enough stats to use it's more accurate attacks to have a good effect as well.
Well, there you are. Two teams, two games, but only one will reign surpreme.