.:Ultimate Shroomish:.
Need a hand?
Far away from Johto,Kanto,Hoen,and even Shinou, lies a mysterious island called Skill Isle. On that island lies the best kept secret ever, Battle City. Its home to only a few hundred trainers strong enough conquer the Battle Frontier. Battle City is a metropolis of arenas, training facilities, wild areas and 1 super powerful trainer gone missing….. Ash Ketchum. He is the founder of Battle City, but recently he hasn’t been around we think he’s been kidnapped by Team Rocket. Team Rocket captured him out of a very old grudge of ash always defeating them. But it been a long time since Ash has ever done that since he’s now 31. But you and 9 others have been invited her because of you strength and strategy, but you 10 are the ones to save Ash Ketchum.
Pokemon Trainer
Name: (Not Needed. If there is no name, its name will be what ever species it is)
Species: (Nothing made up. Could you put a link here to you pokemon.)
Age: (Not to old)
Description: (Just point out some differences. Doesnt have to be long)
Personality and general info: (A brief personality of your pokemon)
My Sign-Up
Name: Eco
Species: Dodaitsou http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodaitosu
Age: 5
Description: The rim of his shell is harder than diamond, and the leaves on the tree are very lush and stay that way all the time.
Personality and general info: He likes to strategize alot, and find the enemy weak points then strike.
Name: Kabaji
species: fuwaraido http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuwaraido
age: 4
description: Kabaji is like most fuwaraido's except the little cloud on his head has a small lightning mark on it.
personality: Kabaji likes to toy with his opponent, he floats in front of them then teleports away, then strikes when they're weak.
Name: Mr. Frost
species: yukikaburi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukikaburi
description: the snow on Mr.Frost is the purest white ever, and his wood on his legs are chestnut brown.
personality: He is very playfull and likes to make friends. When he fights its just a game to him.
species: Mime.Jr http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manene
name: none
decription: Mime.Jr's red nose is much darker than other pokemon.
personality: Mime.Jr is fun loving and optimistic, he doesn’t usually fight but when he does, he confuses enemies and makes them fight themselves.
name: Zeff
species: keikouo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keikouo
personality: Zeff is usualy shy and doesnt open up to much people unless she knows they're safe.
descritpion: the little circles on Zeff's tal are shaped like hearts
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