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Battle Frontier Help/Discussion Thread

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Hyper Coordinator
why did you close the old one??? it was fine i think... but SM... your the boss here.... i need help.... does spikes and roar work in the BF?


I have a question. What would you say is the best pokemon for the battle tower?


Hyper Coordinator
there is no BEST pokemon.... especially for the battle tower.... just go with metagross... his type helps.. and with agilty... he can kill anything... (in-game anyways)

Meteor Mash

if you dont like explosion... then go with sludge bomb or something


Hyper Coordinator
ahh ok... im not bored at the frontier im p*ssed... i cant win anymore symbols and my skarm wont be impish


To JJones1:I think the BEST pokemon is an All-rounder like Salamence (Don't STFU me please, I am just answering a question and this is only an example so don't acctually train one, unless you can't help it.) with Brick Break/Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Flamethrower and Dragon Claw and with three of these, you minimise chances of losing, so here is a team I suggest: A mixed sweeper, a special sweeper and a CB physical sweeper. But, to be honest, THERE IS NO BEST POKEMON! THERE ARE AWESOME TEAMS BUT NO BEST POKEMON, ALL POKEMON HAVE WEAKNESSES, at least one, and at least 2x weakness (this is Kingdra BTW) and can be beaten with a wholesome STAB move or its weakness (No Sh....)

To PUreHeart: I think a better moveset for Metagross is Meteor Mash, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake and Explosion (adamant, Choice Band) but Agility works... I hate using it though, useless (IMO. Don't STFU me please).

To Shining Mew: I like Frontier, the problem is that is is quite hard to get Symbols. Beating the brains themselves is basic, as in ABC, but getting up to them is hard. IMO. I hate Palace Maven Spencer... The one Brain I can't beat (so far, Got three symbols and the only Brain I have gotten up to, and not won, is Spencer. Noland doesn't count because his team is ever changing) I am currently trying to beat the Pyramid.

To Those who asked for a team built for them: STFU. That is not good. You should really make your own teams. Make one and then get it rated by other members, they will help you, but I don't think anyone would build you a team from scratch. It is also unwritten law that all teams should be Copyright, just my Opinion though... I think it is against the rules to ask for teams built for you in serebii, I don't know though so correct me if I'm wrong.
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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I was wondering if skarmory is any good for any of the battle frontier places such as arena, dome, palace or tower as I have yet to try one. It seems more useful for defense and annoying purposes and is such a frustration to face on netbattle with its spikes/whirlwind.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be getting Emerald, but just a question; In the Battle Palace, when your moves are chosen for you, will Choice Band work? I can't access the main site to see if you're allowed to attach it to your pokemon.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
My understanding of battle palace is the move preferences are determined by their nature, for example, naive natures prefer attack moves regardless of whether they are high or low in HP, but other natures may vary as to whether they prefer defense or support moves as are categorized in the attackdex page on this site.

Now the thing that really sucks about the battle palace is sometimes pokemon are incapable of using their powers as I had come so close and lost various matches due to this. My adamant metagross, adamant salamence (4x weak against ice Grrrrrr!) and naive starmie should've been able to normally succeed, but no, salamence was incapable of using its powers and it got hit by alakazam's ice punch in return.


Well-Known Member
Expert Evan said:
My understanding of battle palace is the move preferences are determined by their nature, for example, naive natures prefer attack moves regardless of whether they are high or low in HP, but other natures may vary as to whether they prefer defense or support moves as are categorized in the attackdex page on this site.

Now the thing that really sucks about the battle palace is sometimes pokemon are incapable of using their powers as I had come so close and lost various matches due to this. My adamant metagross, adamant salamence (4x weak against ice Grrrrrr!) and naive starmie should've been able to normally succeed, but no, salamence was incapable of using its powers and it got hit by alakazam's ice punch in return.

So Choice Band doesn't affect it, only natures do?

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
Choice band actually does work though I've experienced my adamant pokemon more likely to be "incapable of using its powers" in battle palace which I think really sucks.


-Absol- said:
So Choice Band doesn't affect it, only natures do?

I don't know exactly what you mean, but I'll try to answer in terms of what I understand. Choice Band works, the pokemon only uses that one move, but it can still be " Incapable of using it's Power" It annoys me like hell. My metagross uses its earthquake one turn, and the next turn then is "Incapable" I think the only way to have a pokemon that is never "IN -GODDAM- CAPABLE" is Like my Milotic (bold) Hypnosis, Surf, Ice Beam and Recover. Hypnosis is a support move (and so are all stat lowering and other Hax). Recover is a Defence (and so are all Stat upping/Reflect/Light Screen) and Ice Beam and surf are obviously attack.... (I don't think I need to explain what attack means). This means that Milotic has choice of all three styles, Attack, Defence and Support. This way, if it chooses to use its favourite type of attack (Support, because of its nature) it uses Hypnosis. If It wants to use its averagely liked moves (attack, because of its nature) it will either use Surf or Ice Beam. If it ever chooses to use the attack type it hates (Defence, once again, due to its NATURE) it uses Recover (it only used this once but it uses it when it is needed most so I was real lucky). What I think you can do, to prevent this "Incapability" B.S., Your Choice bander should have one defence and one Support (like metagross can have Iron Defence and Scary Face, etc) and if it ever uses this, switch. Then switch back, and if it uses Meteor Mash, its all good. That way, it will only attack now, even if it "feels like" using Iron Defence or Scary Face, it can't anymore because of Choice Band (this has been proven, by me, do try it) so that "incapability is crossed out. :) Expert Evan, you should know this, sheesh.

jjones1 said:
Actually, Sableye has no weakness

Acctually, it does, wtf? Fighting?!?! (If you are wondering why, Foresight, Cross Chop, Sableye dies due to weakness)
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Sorry about this double post but I wanna be noticed: I just Nabbed the ol' Entei, Brave Nature (lvl50). What do you guys reckon of this movelist: Body Slam/Return, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Solarbeam. Body Slam because of its nature, FT for STAB, Sunny Day as a Defensive and power-up for FT and Solarbeam because of the no Power-up before attacking (due to S.D.) The Evs, 100 in everything except speed, 10. That way, its wicked, no EV train, and it brings out the best of this beast. This is what is gonna be used to Battle Brandon. I wanna use Solarbeam on Regirock for a OHKO, Flamethrower for OHKO Registeel, Flamethrower for Regiice, any HP left for that fat ice cube will be brick breaked by my Heracross.

[EDIT=B-I-GGIE]: OMFG!?! I just worked out its IVs:02,06,00,00,00,00. DAMN! THIS SUCKS! with the EV distribution I made, this means it will have 367HP, 292 Attack, 200 Defense, 186 Speed, 210 Sp Attack, 180 Sp Defense.

Please, can someone give me a good EV distribution for this piece of turd. (I need at least 100 in each Defense stat to keep it alive)

This is the worst Pokemon I will EVER TRAIN![/EDIT]
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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
My recent suicune also had the worst IVs for 4 of its stats so I rendered it useless. Going back to the time I beat Brandon's regi pokemon I could've used starmie for regirock, salamence for regice, and houndoom for registeel but used salamence for the defensive regirock and houndoom for the special defensive regice without thinking of such weaknesses at the time, still prevailed anyways at the time.


XD Something so funny you'll laugh your heads off at the bad game mechanic in my game..
At the Battle Dome, I was in the semi-finals, and I versed a guy with a Pidgey, a Mankey and another weak pathetic flying guy.

I mean XD! Someone with those Pokémon could get into the semi-finals??? And the card said "One win will make this team proud", so I beat him easy.

The only problem was I forgot to record the battle so I could show my friends.


i saw a closed thread that u could bet a guy battle points and if u win u get em' double. can somebody explain this?

DJ Panic!

I was battling in the Battle Dome and his Slaking had Intimidant,
can Slaking get Intimidant?
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