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Battle Frontier HELP

Pokemon Legend Tamer

Rookie Trainer
I need Battle Frontier help to inprove my team.
My Team:
;254; Sceptile Lv52 Leaf Blade,Aeraial ace,Brick Brake,Solarbeam
;376; Metagross Lv 51 Sludge Bomb,Metoer Mash Psychic,Protect
;330; Flygon Lv 57 Rest,Sleep talk,Fire Blast,Thunder
;292; Shedninja Lv 53 Giga Drain,Shadow Ball,Secret Power,Grudge
;310; Manectric Lv53 Thunder,Dig,Thunderbolt,Hidden Power[Water]
;373; Salamace Lv55 Fire Blast,Thunder,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw
I need Battle Frontier help to inprove my team.
My Team:
;254; Sceptile Lv52 Substitute,Leach Seed,Leaf Blade,Brick Break
;376; Metagross Lv 51 Sludge Bomb,Metoer Mash,Brick Break,Earthquake@ choise band
;330; Flygon Lv 57 Rest,Sleep talk,Earthquake,Return
;292; Shedninja Lv 53 Silver Wind,Shadow Ball,Return,Swords dance
;373; Salamace Lv55 Earthquake,Arial Ace,Brick Brake,Rock Slide

Changes in bold

Dragon trainer

Arise from the Ashes
I need Battle Frontier help to inprove my team.
My Team:
;254; Sceptile Lv52 Leaf Blade,Aeraial ace,Brick Brake,Solarbeam
;376; Metagross Lv 51 Sludge Bomb,Metoer Mash Psychic,Protect
;330; Flygon Lv 57 Rest,Sleep talk,Fire Blast,Thunder
;292; Shedninja Lv 53 Giga Drain,Shadow Ball,Secret Power,Grudge
;310; Manectric Lv53 Thunder,Dig,Thunderbolt,Hidden Power[Water]
;373; Salamace Lv55 Fire Blast,Thunder,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw

leaf blade/sub
thunderpunch/leech seed
crunch/leaf blade
dragon claw/thunderpunch

left side with modest for a great special sweeper, right for one o the best stalling sets - standard sets

Flygon @ Choice Band
Trait: Levitate
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake/screech
- Rock Slide/earthquake
- Iron Tail/Quick Attack/rock slide
- Quick Attack/Fire Blast

left side is the none screechgon, fire blast is for either ms. irontail for non screechgon. quick attack for both and rock slide is for screechgon

i'm using
earthquake/rock slide
dragon breathe

still not decieded for EQ or RS

Dragon Dance
Aerial Ace/HP Flying
Flamethrower- Purely in there for ICE types or there is RS or Brick break

Rock slide/shadow ball/algility
metor mash

i dont use shedinja

http://www.serebiiforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=118 post here for future ref - sorry if that is mini modding

and here is where you can find in-game ms's http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=136696 just for any future help you may need - again sorry if its mini modding again!

hope it helps
Last edited:


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT.



Manectric has been skipped.

Manectric @Petaya Berry/Leftovers
Modest Nature
-Thunder Wave

Don’t use Shedinja in the Battle Tower. Just about everything kills it.

A 3x weakness to Ice is bad. Whatever you do, don’t use both Flygon and Salamence on the same trio when it tells you to pick 3 Pokémon to use.

Pokemon Legend Tamer

Rookie Trainer
I need Battle Frontier help to inprove my team.
My Team:
;254; Sceptile Lv52 Leaf Blade,Aeraial ace,Brick Brake,Solarbeam
;376; Metagross Lv 51 Sludge Bomb,Metoer Mash Psychic,Protect
;330; Flygon Lv 57 Rest,Sleep talk,Fire Blast,Thunder
;292; Shedninja Lv 53 Giga Drain,Shadow Ball,Secret Power,Grudge
;310; Manectric Lv53 Thunder,Dig,Thunderbolt,Hidden Power[Water]
;373; Salamace Lv55 Fire Blast,Thunder,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw

New inprovement:
;144; Articuno Lv67 Blizzard,Ice Beam,Mindreader,Sheercold
;146; Moltres Lv64 Fire Blast,Flamefrower,Skyattack,Heatwave
;145; Zapdos Lv61 Thunder,Rain Dance,Drill Peck,Thunderbolt
;379; Registeel Lv62 Lock On,Zap-cannon,Focus Punch,Dig
;378; Regice Lv63 Lock On,Zap-cannon,Sheer Cold,Surf
;377; Regirock Lv65 Lock On,Fire Punch,Ice Punch,Thunder Punch

Any ideas to replace Regirocks Lock On?

Not getting rid of Articunos Mindreader because of Sheercold


Well-Known Member
No offence, but I would call this team worse. 4 pokemon weak to rock, and 2 are quadruple weak. your first set is better. go with the changes others have made for them. definatly do not use shedinja, unless against dome ace tucker.


Wants name change
Yep, the legendary team is worse, and on a lot of the sets, you've got moves that they don't even learn.

Go with these overall:

Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

Leech Seed
Leaf Blade

Meteor Mash

They should be your main three.


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone keep putting Thunderpunch on SubSeed Sceptile? Dragon Claw is superior, since it actually does something to grasses and dragons, and doesn't just cover one type.

I actually have HP Fire on mine, though I would have preferred HP Ice.


Wants name change
Why does everyone keep putting Thunderpunch on SubSeed Sceptile? Dragon Claw is superior, since it actually does something to grasses and dragons, and doesn't just cover one type.

I actually have HP Fire on mine, though I would have preferred HP Ice.

Well, Flying-types are more common ingame, and he can just switch to Regice for Grasses and Dragons.


Lunar Origin
Yeah Shedinja is REALLY sucky... One question, WHY would you give Shedinja Giga Drain?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!


Well-Known Member
Well obviously they put Giga Drain on because they didn't know any better. Maybe it's because they used it to beat Wallace and being a fool thought Yay! Super effective moves are fun! Or something along those lines.


Alea iacta est.
New legendary team sucks worse. However, here's some Regirock:

Regirock @ Leftovers
Trait: Clear Body
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Explosion
- Rock Slide
- Curse
- Earthquake

Physical Wall/Semi-Sweeper. Not sure on EVs, sorry.

Pokemon Legend Tamer

Rookie Trainer
No offence, but I would call this team worse. 4 pokemon weak to rock, and 2 are quadruple weak. your first set is better. go with the changes others have made for them. definatly do not use shedinja, unless against dome ace tucker.

Can't I've trade my other team & my cousin relased Shedninja(happy now)


Well-Known Member
^ No. There isn't a rock type in the world (Other than like a level 2 geodude) that will go down to a gigs drain coming from sheddy pathetic sp atk. They almost always have a rock attack too, so you're dead even if you manage to hit first.