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Battle Frontier Team


Well-Known Member
After some education...

Salamence @ Lum Berry/Choice Band
255 Atk/255 Spd
-Fire Blast
-Aerial Ace
-Rock Slide

Lum Berry if I lead with it, Choice Band if I don't.

Starmie @ Brightpowder
Natural Cure
255 Sp. Atk/255 Spd
-Ice Beam

Wobbuffet @ Leftovers
Shadow Tag
255 Def/255 SDef
-Mirror Coat
-Destiny Bond

I also use standard Slaking and Blissey, but only in Pyramid.


Well-Known Member
Might as well stick a Choice Band on Salamence pernamently; it makes a good lead.

Starmie is fine.

Wobbufet looks good. It is obvious it works, but I don't know your results with it. Encore goes good with Dragon Dance Salamence btw, but I'm assuming your Salamence is set in stone. ;-(

Also, 252 is the max number of EVs, not 255, so you could have saved yourself 1 stat point, but whatever.

Maybe get a Normal resist? Something that can take on Boltbeam? Wobbufet would never work for me as a wall, but I'm sure it works for you.



Safeguard over D-Bond on Wobbuffet. It’s too slow to D-Bond anyways.

Wobbuffet may not work as great as the enemies get harder, especially with all the Dark types with Dark attacks and Ghosts with Ghost attacks.


Well-Known Member

Safeguard over D-Bond on Wobbuffet. It’s too slow to D-Bond anyways.

Wobbuffet may not work as great as the enemies get harder, especially with all the Dark types with Dark attacks and Ghosts with Ghost attacks.

With those EVs, what OKOs Wob?

I'm just wanting to provide an out in case of Curselax or other such device.