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Battle Frontier Team


Well-Known Member



Last edited:

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Umm..that's a new format....lol

Latios - Thunderbolt over Surf

Salamence - Rock Slide over Brick Break, Earthquake over Rest.

Starmie - Psychic is an option over Recover

Slaking - lol @ Choice Band + Slack Off.
-Shadow Ball
-Aerial Ace/Fire Blast/Hyper Beam

also keep in mind the BF uses teams of 3, not 4..



Lol, interesting format.

Latios: Thunderbolt> Surf please

Salamence: Earthquake > Brick Break. Rest and Lum Berry look interesting, but it really won’t work that well, especially because an opponent will most likely status you before you Rest and then the strategy falls apart. Just use Rock Slide.

Also, DD Mence does not need that much Spd. 250-264 is enough...put the rest in HP.

Starmie: You realize you gave it 252 HP right?

Slaking: Never give Slaking non-damaging moves! Double-Edge > Hyper Beam please. Earthquake > Slack Off. Focus Punch/Aerial Ace > Brick Break


Well-Known Member
Why is Double Edge better than Hyper Beam. When i am in the battle frontier they dont let you switch before they send out their next pokemon.
I check my opitions and i have in so i can.

I guess ill teach Starmie Phychic.

Ill switch lum berry with the item that wakes you up.

Hyper Beam/Double Edge
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Forgot about the choice band thing

Salamence is normal to everything except zapdos. Other 2 set moves have more than 1 thing it is week against.

Latios is normal to every pokemon in the game.
With Latios and Salamence you use Calm mind/Dragon Dance a until you are close to dying then use recover/rest to heal. then attack. 1 Hit every pokemon. and you dont have to worry about weaknesses.

Starmie and Slaking are just beatdown pokemon. That is why i am thinking of talking recover off for Phychic.

When i enter the battle tower i pick Salamence or latios
And starmie and slaking

My team will be


Why is Double Edge better than Hyper Beam.
Because you can switch out after you attack if you kill the opponent and the next opponent you face is something you have trouble with.
With Hyper Beam, you can't switch out even if you kill the opponent. So the next opponent will probably kill you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Ill switch lum berry with the item that wakes you up.
No, just use the standard set with Dragon Dance/Aerial Ace/Earthquake/Rock Slide

Salamence is normal to everything except zapdos.
Which is why you want Rock Slide.

Other 2 set moves have more than 1 thing it is week against.
No they don't. Aerial Ace and Earthquake cover everything in the game except for Zapdos, Skarmory, Aerodactyl, Solrock, and Lunatone. Rock Slide hits everyone of them for at least neutral damage.

Latios is normal to every pokemon in the game.
But Thunderbolt is better than Surf. You can defeat Water types more easily, otherwise they'll Ice Beam you. This goes double for Suicune, who has Calm Mind AND Ice Beam.

With Latios and Salamence you use Calm mind/Dragon Dance a until you are close to dying then use recover/rest to heal. then attack.
Won't work with Salamence due to its 4x Ice weakness. Ice is probably the most common type in the Battle Frontier and even things like Slaking have surprise Ice Beams.

You're thinking too simplistically, george. You have good ideas, but they aren't as effective as they can be.