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Battle Frontier


Shadow Master
man i need help on beating some of the battle forntier stuff like what lvl should my pokemon be before i do the open level stuff and what r good pokemon to use to beat the diff places.:club:


Good Eye Sniper
For Pyramid use any guy with Earthquake, Rockslide, and or fighting type. Heracross works best. For Pike Hera and even a Gardevoir with Thunderbolt and Psychic will help.


I found my Metagross to be very helpful in the Battle Pike. He pwned the place. :D
Also, go with an Alakazam or gardy, although Gardy has more defense, so use her/him, too. They can take on a variety of Pokemon


Kyogre Trainer
the levels don't make much of a difference, none is eaisier than another, i battle in open level because I got my Latias at level 50, and wanted to EV train it before challenging.
Here's my team that has so far won me every single silver symbol and the tactics and pike gold symbols.

252 Att.
128 Def.
128 sp Def

Meteor Mash
(Basic Agiligross)

Latias@Lum Berry
Bold (was going for Modest but this one has good stats)
252 sp att.
252 spd
6 def/sp def

Ice Beam
Calm Mind

Sceptile@Shell Bell
Modest (bred for max special attack and has a "Wonderfully Outstanding IV total according to the IV man. It took me 3.5 boxes full of treeko to get this guy)
252 sp. att
252 spd
6 sp. def

Leaf Blade (Best Grass Move available other than Solarbeam)
Dragon Claw

That's About it! I usually start a Battle tower/palace/arena match with Metagross first, Sceptile second, and Latias third, but in the arena Scepy goes last.


**Legendary Maven**
Hey Shadow.you are new right?
look at my Battle Fronteir page it is really helpfull and tells you everthing ,even about the leaders.

just click on my battle Pike picture avatar and you will go to my profile.from their go to all threads by me .. and go to a page called THE BATTLE FRONTEIR.its long but really helpfull.Long pages are really helpfull,like my Feebas page.so much people e-mailed me and thanked me for that page.