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Battle me plz!!!


New Member
Let's battle against me.

We will wait for your PM.
oak: 4639 5330 9194


I want my badge! '-'
how about battling me pooch?

(I was gonna ask a battle with the Tyrone, but...)


I want my badge! '-'
yep, can you gimme your character's name plz?


Whats your friend code? As soon as you give me it, I will see you there!


Active Member
Sure! 6v6 no ubers ok?


I want my badge! '-'
Pooch, my name is Gabriel and my FC is 2148 4857 7994


Gabinho appears to be trading with someone, so I'll battle you now if you'd like, joschi.


I want my badge! '-'
I have just finished a trade, if you don't mind to wait while I change my team, we can battle.


I want my badge! '-'
Just a sec, I just need to fix a few things on my team.

Sorry for keep you waiting, you can battle someone if you want.
I'd like to battle someone.

lv100 single. you can use ubers if you want to, but be warned, I will as well.

1976 6849 4152


I want my badge! '-'
You're pretty good pooch, I've never tought a jolteon would cause me so many problems =P

Hey Lugia Rules, are you still up fot a battle?


I want my badge! '-'
Yeah... it was a good battle.

But I'm already ready for another. Any challenger?