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Battle Me! Winner gets a Shiny PKMN


< My new shiny
i want to battle people as i am board. there are a few rules.

No Ubbers
No Hacked Pokemon
6 v 6

Shiny Roselia
Shiny Electabuzz
Shiny Treecko


I'll battle you.

FC: 0516 3747 2038


Well-Known Member
ill battle u


I have returned!
i'll battle a little later...if u can wait til about 11am (pac)


Well-Known Member
evee 14 can u battle me next? im gettin kinda bored


I'm waiting on Wi-Fi...

Edit: Did you enter my FC?


Well-Known Member
ummm ubers are legendarys in the rules it says no ubers


Well-Known Member
evee do u have wifi connection?if u do u go to the downstairs of the pokemon center


New Member
well cresselia and suicune are not considered ubers... anyways i wanna battle if its non legendary... ive got 40 wins hehehehe


Well-Known Member
ooo ooo ooo i got 1 win lol i kno i suck eitehr that or the old teams i used didnt work well hopfully this team is good


Well-Known Member
no im next but id think evee has wifi connection