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Battle of STEEL!

Battle of STEEL!!!!!!

  • Total voters
Who would win? Steven, Tougan, Jasmine, or Andrew Carnegie?

Steven- The hansome bishie who is a champ.

Jasmine- the submissive shy girl that everyone love

Tougan- the badass father of sexy Hyouta with a messy face.

Andrew Carnegie- The badass steel company owner. He's Scottish!


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Andrew Carnegie bought practically the entire industry to wipe out his competitors. That puts him ahead of Steven or Tougan, who are too dang moral. But since Andrew Carnegie is not hot, Jasmine crushes him.


Well-Known Member
Steven! *fangirl screams* not only is he smexy, but most of his pokemon's level's are in the 70's! steel trainers>you.
Andrew Carnegie, like Giovanni himself, use his corperal and money power to crush them all. Max Steel got nothing as he was a failed show on Kids WB.
I was bored and voted here, who is Andrew Carneige? I voted for him for giggles.

This here sexy fellow.

And I voted for Andrew as well.
LMAO. Seriously.

In a Pokémon battle, Steven would win because he has the strongest Pokémon of the bunch and has Claydol to screw the other two's Powerhouses.

But... without Andrew Carnegie, there's no Steel! So, he wins. =P
Andrew Carnegie wins hands down.

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
XD ROFTLOL Andrew Carnegie ....Jasmin FTW