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Battle of the Map Makers

  • Thread starter Jesus Of Suburbia
  • Start date
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Normal Coordinator
just so you know theultimatebulk, you should save as .png, photobucket turns .bmp into a .jpg.

Jesus Of Suburbia

Polar Spirit: very very nicely done!!
Accepted =D

And we have a new judge!! Locke Yggdrasill as gladly accepted to help us!!


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
the galapagos islands based map i made a long time ago, with a lot of fixes i just made, fr/lg style:


The Silent One
Here is my world map, called the Variësta Islands:


It is my first map so it isn't really that good.
EDIT: changed a small thing on the lower right Island.
EDIT2: changed some more things.
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Finally a contest.. Since I love making these maps, I finally have a chance to show off one of my latest...

This is the tropical world of Grann.


Hope it's ok?


Well-Known Member
I surpose, or I could just give up and offer to become a judge. How do I ask? PM? I much prefer giving people advice on maps then just making them myselves. I'm also much better at requests, if anyone cares...

EDIT: considering I just checked the first post and you don't need anymore judges, here's my fanal attempt at loading my work.


If that doesn't work, meh.
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Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
metabee14 said:
Here is my world map, called the Variesta Islands:


It is my first map so it isn't really that good.
EDIT: changed a small thing on the lower right Island.

the layer's are completely wronged coloured. you can't change that as you want, dark is for low lands, and light is for highlands.

JoS... you can't accept that, really, it's like lad is sea level in the middle of the continent, but there are cliffs of about 3000 m heigh instead of beaches? o__O;

bulk said:
I'm also much better at requests, if anyone cares...
it's me or the bulk wants to be back? cool! hey bulk, why don't you come around CS one of these days?

Rolf: pokemon scientis 1

i also want to enter and this is my map:


I've got a map I'd like to enter. It's called Margolds, and it's the actual ratio of a GBA screen.

I quite like it myself.
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Jesus Of Suburbia

castiboy said:
the layer's are completely wronged coloured. you can't change that as you want, dark is for low lands, and light is for highlands.

JoS... you can't accept that, really, it's like lad is sea level in the middle of the continent, but there are cliffs of about 3000 m heigh instead of beaches? o__O;

it's me or the bulk wants to be back? cool! hey bulk, why don't you come around CS one of these days?

No offense castiboy, but please dont tell me how to do my job.
The way I look at it, metabee14 has higher mountains at the start, I'm perfectly fine with that, castiboy, I'm truly sorry if your not.
-_-* Sheesh.

matthijs: not accepted, sorry but your region has a flaw, the island in the midlle is completely covered in route colours, try and make it look like there is a path. If you know what I mean lol. (i hardly even lol)
Rolf: pokemon scientis 1: Accepted (great!)
Hamner: Accepted (also great!)
Littleman3: Accepted (i really like it how you put certain areas of lands on a specific town/city!)
Bulk: Accepted (yay! png!! lol)
The way I see it, people can enter watever region they want that they think will win. As long as it dosent have a major flaw.
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The Silent One
castiboy said:
the layer's are completely wronged coloured. you can't change that as you want, dark is for low lands, and light is for highlands.

JoS... you can't accept that, really, it's like lad is sea level in the middle of the continent, but there are cliffs of about 3000 m heigh instead of beaches? o__O;

Hmm.. I screwed up the middle Island, i will go change that.
And what is wrong with not having beaches, I mean, not every Island have to have a beach.

Is this any better then?
I have changed the middle Island so the surf path connects to a beach and on the lower right Island I changed the leftmost place.
I also changed the direction of the lower left Island.


check this out
just type it in as aweb adress
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Jesus Of Suburbia

sorry champ gary oak, you need to upload the image for us to see it.

I suggest using Imageshack, you dont need to have an account to upload there. But if you want an account, go to Photobucket.

metabee14, please for further notice just edit your original post. Please still edit your original post with your new version of the region.



Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
you can have cliffs at the4 ocean, but never 5000m high cliffs, that's just impossible. but w/e, it's my problem if you can't see what's wrong with that.
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