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battle palace help


Avada kedavra
help guys...
explain this to me, please..

in the palace, im using my blaziken...
its rock slide
sky uppercut
fire blast]
and bulk up;;

adamant nature..

why does he keep using bulk up, instead of attackin:::: how can i fix that:::


Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
help guys...
explain this to me, please..

in the palace, im using my blaziken...
its rock slide
sky uppercut
fire blast]
and bulk up;;

adamant nature..

why does he keep using bulk up, instead of attackin:::: how can i fix that:::


Just give it an attacking move. four attack means no bulk up
(but clone it first)

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^

That table should help. Adamant means it'll try to pick Attack, Defense, and Support moves equally often. Since Bulk Up is your only Defense move, it'll get selected more often than any one of your other three moves, since they're all Attack moves. I'm guessing you also get 'Unable to use its power' fairly often with this guy since you have no Support moves. And Shiny Crobat, giving it all attacking moves would mean it'd be 'unable to use its power' even more often...

To some extent, the Battle Palace needs custom pokemon since good battle natures (like Adamant), aren't necessarily good here. For example, with that moveset, a Hasty nature might be better since it has ++ for Attack, = for Defense, and -- for Support.


Hasty nature is a better nature than Adamant for Blazikens in general anyways, since Blaziken likes the speed boost.