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Battle Revoution..possible capture spoilers.

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
After looking at the picture on the main page with the buildings on it, i'm starting to think that the pokemon could be hinted at being captures, if it was just Pikachu and the three starters i wouldn't think that, but the fact that the evovled form of Gregguru, "Bouysel, Tamanta, and freaking Doomirror" are being premoted out of no where like this seems to impliment that the 3 might be captured by the main cast


Contaminated KFC
What happens in Battle Revolution, stays in Battle Revolution.

I've always wanted to parody that line. Ohoho, fangirlish squee ~^.^~

Korobooshi Kojiro

It's just, since this IS a 4th gen game, they decided to make buildings after New Pokemon (Dusclops is their though...). Not too mention Doomirror makes a perfect Merry-Go-Round.

And you missed Jibacoil! JIBACOIL!

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
then tell me why all of a sudden the frog would become a highly premoted creature(conicidence that Brock's packing one now?), and why the two pathetic usless steel types, where's kaburaisu i mena there are way better pokemon to showing us than those
How is making them into the rides a sign that they'll be the pokemon they catch?

The only thing you have going for you is that the evo of Greggle of there, which still means nothing.


Let's Battle!
You think the writer's care about Pokemon which aren't rare and are featured in a game? It means nothing.


Well-Known Member
How is making them into the rides a sign that they'll be the pokemon they catch?

It doesn't, you know it and I know it. We also know that people get desperate to speculate and will look to anything they can if they think it points to a spoiler.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Kinda like how Colosseum promoted the anime captures of Espeon and Umbreon, huh?