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Battle system for Mysterious dungeon

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It's been bothering me a lot, but how do you battle in MD? Is it like the usual pokemon battle? Or is it action, when you get to move around the field and attack? Or is it like those Chess like fields like the battle system for Fire Emblem?


Its probably a bit more like the Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, but still kind of unique from that. Its definitely turn-based with you only directly controlling one of the guys. You move (move a space, use a technique, use an item, or use your unlimited minor attack) and then all of your allies and baddies move. If you run across the screen by making a lot of moves rapidly it will appear that all of the monsters are running...but if you slow down and just make a move every 20 seconds they'll also slow down and only move every 20 seconds. Its a great system since you have total control of the pace and only really slows down when there are BUNCHES of guys on the screen at the same time.
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