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Retired Master
6 on 6 single match. my FC is in my Sig.


Retired Master
You really had me stalling there with those light screens and stuff... I was really worried!


Retired Master
Sure, just let me change out my worthless Steelix. You can change your team up too of course.


Active Member
Nah, not really... This is my first pokemon game, and I just started wifi battling recently.

My pokemon's IVs are... Not so hot. >.>;;

Well, thanks for the games. I would have been on a sweep if it weren't for that Focus Sash. XD

Take it easy.


Retired Master
Sorry for the delay, as well. I honestly didn't think anyone else wanted too. :p


crap, I'm sorry >_< my net went down for a minute

do you want to try again? that was fun : D