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Battles you would like to see

Pokemon Hippie

Frontier Brain
the teams you would like to see battle and why on pokemon battle revolution

one team verse the other e.g.
Good Vs Evil

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Ace of Spades

Active Member
Next we'll probably see more popular pokemon like Buoysel fighting another one like MUkkuru or Mukkubird... But I just want to see Donkarasu and Jibacoil in action :)


The Plot Thickens
I wanna see Donkarasu vs. Muumajii and Aruseus vs. Darkrai.


Tails the Bouyzel
Gabaito Fighting Enperuto...... And Enperuto wining....

~~;444; "Awwwww..."


Sign the DM Petition
For me, (I have alot but 3 picks will be fine).
;160; V.S. ;257;
Shiny ;093; V.S. ;260;
;382; V.S. ;490;
Note: I'm lazy and don't want to put the names.


The Anticool
For me, (I have alot but 3 picks will be fine).
;160; V.S. ;257;
Shiny ;093; V.S. ;260;
;382; V.S. ;490;
Note: I'm lazy and don't want to put the names.

Yet you have enough time on your hands to find each individual smilie for the poke'mon you posted.
Yet you have enough time on your hands to find each individual smilie for the poke'mon you posted.

Exactly. The definition of a true lazy man is someone who goes through long hours of work to avoid doing anything.

Sorry. Back on Topic.
I'd like to see Goukazaru and Blaziken vs. Charizard and Typhlosion.


reshiram ftw
i want to see two

Arusues vrs. Darkrai ;493; vs ;491;
and Rayquaza, kyogre, and Groudon vrs Girandina, Parukia, and Diaruga ;384; ;382; ;383; vs ;487; ;483; ;484;


Active Member
I want a all the starters in a tournement. They will be split up in teams of their own region. They will fight against all.


Darkrai vs. Banette

Only because darkrai's main stratagy (i think) is putting the pokemon to sleep. And since banette has insomnia.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Banette and Darkrai, is it me or do they look similer?( Maybe Darkrai should have been a Banette evolution ^.^)
I would like to have a Togekiss vs Clefable, with Togekiss winning