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Be careful its hot

Should this be a fire princess burn or remove from play burn?

  • fire princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I need help on my burn deck
dont suggest stealth birds please because ive been tryin to get one forever but cant
2x lava golem
1x horus lvl. 6
1x thestalos the firestorm monarch

3x solar flare dragons
1x horus lvl. 4
1x mask of darkness
2x ultimate baseball kid
1x bazoo the soul eater
2x raging flame sprite
1x princess of tsurugi
1x des koala
1x fire princess
1x swarm or scarabs
1x ufo turtle

2x llab
1x meteor of destruction
1x heavy storm
1x dark room of nightmare
1x poison of the old man
1x mst
1x swords
2x wave motion cannon
1x emergency provisions
1x molton destruction

1x ceasefire
1x secret barrel
1x torrential
2x dark spirit of the silent
2x gravity bind
1x solemn wishes
1x judgement of anubis
1x compulsary evacuation device

I cant decide if i should makea fire princess burn or a remove from play burn with grenmaju da eza soulrelease etc.
u tell me


what should i take them out for?
i can get more princess easy


Well-Known Member
You shoud try a combo of fox fire and backfire. So add three foxes and the same amount of backfires so your opponent would lose 1500 each time a fox is destroyed.
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