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Beat the game with one pokemon?

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Besides the BF have you ever beat the game only using one pokemon through the whole thing? I'm doing it now because I've beat the E4 with one pokemon before. I just started 1/2 hour ago and I'm at Slateport.


ello there!
yes..... i beat all the games with my starter only. after the e-4 is when i train other pokes. but im not gonna do that in pearl/ diamond. i want to enjoy those games. :)


You know your afraid
I gonna try to beat Fire and ruby with just Dragonite after i breed it to perfection


You will be missed:(
I overtrained my starter when I borrowed the original Red version from a friend. When I got my own, I developed a method to evenly train all my pokemon, which I still use today.
I don't do this, for 2 reasons, 1. The games will be boring this way, and 2. It's boring to use the same pokemon over and over


Well-Known Member
The first time I played a Pokémon game (Yellow) I beat it only using my Nidoking, it grew to Lv. 89 or 79 w/o training.
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Well-Known Member
I tried beating the game with pikachu but then I started using more pokemon to beat the gym leaders. I'll try it again someday.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've gone through Sapphire once with only a Blaziken, I didn't want to waste my time with other pokemon, I just wanted to get through through the game as fast as possible.

But I don't think I'll ever do that again, the Sootopolis Gym gave me good grief.
But at least I easily creamed the Elite Four. :D



Infinity's got 23
But I don't think I'll ever do that again, the Sootopolis Gym gave me good grief.
But at least I easily creamed the Elite Four. :D


When I was going through a rush game of Ruby just to make a secret base, I only used Blaziken. The other thing I did was fight as many trainers as I could.

When I got to Groudon, Noket (The name of my Blaziken) was in his high 60's. I caught Groudon, and he brought Nokets HP to under half.

And without even stopping to heal, I fought all the trainers in the Sootopolis Gym, including Wallace. The only thing that hurt me was a Sharpedo rough skin.

Good times.


Bodybuilder Trainer
Hmmm, I'll probably try this and send my Machamp to Fire Red when I get it!

She's in Emerald now! *Lat Spread*

Typhlosion Dude

De Ja Vu...
I did that twice. When I got my first game (which was pokemon red) I got Charmander as my starter and used him everytime. I remember in like an hour I was close to Vermillion and my Charmander evolved into Charmeleon and that evolved in to Charizard.

In my Emerald when I first got it I beat using only Sceptile. But now I train my team equally.


Elemental Warrior
I dont do that and I probley wont. I over trained my Charazard in Red. it was lvl 80 while other pokemon were at lvl 60
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