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Beating a Ice punching Quagsire (XD).


You will be missed:(
One of the Cipher admin (can't remember his name) has a Quagsire with Ice Punch. And combined with a Lanturn, they cover a lot of the types I have currently. Any ideas on who I should use?


Well-Known Member
Umm if you have a speedy grass Pokemon use that to KO Quaggy and try Ground type moves on Lanturn. If you dont have any of them try using strong attacks that are Neutral against them like Normal and Psychic.

I think your talking about Ein btw


Yeah Baby!
Yeah If your struggling I bet it's because of confuse ray, confuse ray, rain dance, thuder, paraylsis... Then you got Raikou to catch which is more fustrating...
How I beat him was target the Golbat first, then the huntail and lanturn, afterwards alteria then catch raikou, but I had Meganium, and Amphrous, who is in your team


You will be missed:(
Umm if you have a speedy grass Pokemon use that to KO Quaggy and try Ground type moves on Lanturn. If you dont have any of them try using strong attacks that are Neutral against them like Normal and Psychic.

I think your talking about Ein btw

I think his name was Snaggle or something like that.

nap* said:
Then you got Raikou to catch which is more fustrating...

This is in XD, not Colloseum.

nap* said:
who is in your team

I have Breloom (who has no grass moves), Vulpix, Kirlia, Vaporeon, and Flaffy. The last spot doesn't have a definate pokemon as of yet, but it currently contains a Duskull.


Yeah Baby!
Kirlia and Duskull are your best bet for that battle as both are resistant to each of the pkmn that your trying to beat...
Where are you because I can't remeber that person


Evolve Kirlia into Gardevoir, so it has the Sp. Def to take on Snazzle's Pokemon. It should also know Psychic by then. Use Breloom alongside it and pound away with repeated Sky Uppercuts, provided you have it. It learns it at level 36. Focus on Lanturn. Once he's gone, bring out Vaporeon, and you should be able to win from there.


What you need is a Sceptile...but thats not possible. Exploit Quags 4X weakness and kill Lantern with an EQ. Not much else to say.


you know the roselia from the phenac training school? USE. IT. NOW. it has magical leaf, wich KO'ed quagsire in one hit in my game.