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Beauty & The Breeder! (171)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Beauty & The Breeder!

Heading through the next town, Brock gets an email from Suzie, the owner of his Vulpix. Eager to meet up with her, he drags Ash & Co. to her. She called Brock so she can use her Vulpix in a Beauty Contest and beat a trainer named Zane and his Ninetales. Can she do this?

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Ororo Munroe

This messed things up for so many Breedershippers. But it was still a nice episode.


this is one of my all time favorite episide cause Vulpix reunites with it's owner it was so cute,also this episode is mainly about Vulpix(my favorite pokemon).the only thing i hated about this episode is how rude Zane was to Misty when she was just admiring his Ninetails.


So hot he's on fire.
Zane was kickass, I loved him. >D We need more people to be rude to Misty :D

He's so hot. He needs to ditch Suzie like now. XD And then P_B-chan can kidnap him and take him to her Clinic For Obviously Gay And In Denial SexyBoys. :3 You know, with Genero and Gary and other such guys. XD

And then I can send him off to Boston for awhile on a date with Genero and...and.....*___*


Officer Jenny flipping out on Team Rocket. 'Nuff said.


Team Awesome
It was too bad that Brock and Suzie pretty much crashed and burned with this episode. That's the main reason why I'm not a breedershipper, even though they were great in the first Suzie episode. I don't know what was more painful to watch, him losing Suzie to Zane (especially the part where she had to remember Brock was still there when she was talking about Zane) or him giving up his beloved Vulpix (yeah, I know it was Suzie's and she had every right to reclaim it, but he did love it). Brock did look great in his suit, though. :D Ice cream man, ROFLOL. I also liked the part when Team Rocket was giving their fashion advice, and Brock wondered if Onix could use a new look.

Also, I loved Wobby in that wig. :D


Well-Known Member
i didnt like this episode because brock lost his vulpix!!! i wish it wouldve evoled into a ninetails at least before giving it back.


Well this episode was bascially a kick to the crotch for all Breedershippers and fans of Rokon. I thought that losing the little fox was foreshadowing that Takeshi was going to get a full team, but that sure never happened.

Only things I liked about the episode really were the apperence of Kyuukon, Rocketto-Dan's little show with their Pokemon...


Otherwise, this episode fails. 3/10
Aw...man, Brock had to give Vulpix back :(, such a sad day for Brock, but TR was funny, lol


Well-Known Member
A nice episode, liked seeing Suzie again, to bad Brock had to give back Vulpix.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
This was quite a sad episode, because Brock had become attatched to Vulpix, i think Suzie should have left it with him.


It's stupid that Brock needed to receive Suzy his Vulpix.
Why should he return it to her?


Grass Pokemon Expert
It's sad that things between Brock and Suzie didn't work out. I'm going to miss his Vulpix. Zane reminds me of one of my friends who has the same name, and also looks very similar...he also likes fire pokemon. I thought it was kind of innapropriate for Zane to snap at Misty for admiring his Ninetails. I wish they would have shown the contest winner.
Aww come on Suzie even if Vulpix wasn't seen that much I liked that little guy..
Just tip NEVER EVER Mess with Officer Jenny lol