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Because false advertising of porn in a thread is the new thing...


likes 'poms :3
What? It is!

A semi-old drawing I did a few weeks ago:

Realistic vrs. Cartoony May! Fight!

Oh, come on, I know everyone will choose Cartoony! >:U



Because chibi is more fun. It's a nice transition of the usual stuff that lands in Serebii. I'd like to see how it'd be colored.


likes 'poms :3
Infinity said:
Because chibi is more fun. It's a nice transition of the usual stuff that lands in Serebii. I'd like to see how it'd be colored.

Thank you. :3 I rarely color my sketches now days, but maybe I'll do an oekaki version later.

Psilo said:
Haha. Cute.

Actually, I rather like the more realistic May. It's quite a neat style.

Thanks, but I still need to work on it...unfortunaly, some people thought it looked "scary and ugly". :\
The Anime May looks cute. The real one looks... scary. Drunk, even. ;)

I do like the real Torchic, though. Looks a bit like a Pidgey, though. :)

Still... it's a nice pic. :D