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Before I restart my game...


I just got Sapphire a few days ago and am about 10 hours in, and I just thought of something, tell me if it will work. I was thinking I would restart, then start with Torchic, trade it to my Fire Red, restart again, get Treeko, trade it to my Fire Red, restart again, get Mudkip, trade it to my Fire Red, then trade them all back to Sapphire and have all 3 starters..

I'm thinking there might be something stopping me from doing this so someone please tell me if this is possible before I waste 10 hours of play, thanks!;233;
That depends if in FR you can trade with Sapphire

Naetoru & Stitch

Sending out an S.O.S
Yeah. You have to beat the elite four on FR, then obtain the "Sapphire" from Team-Rocket, then you could do that.
Yes, in Fire Red I've done everything possible in the game except I only have 191 pokemon.

So now that you've fixed the Network Machine, you can trade all three starters than, if you want to..


I'm not sure if I want to now..since I'm already 10 hours in, would you suggest that I finish the sapphire game, and then restart and get the other 2 starters at the end?
Your not that far,but if you want to start a new game, you can always also trade the pokemon you already on that file to your FR
Having all three starters really helps in completing the game faster :)


Sneasel Fanboy
If one has in green leaf the ruby, can it change with ruby?


I think this will answer your question pokemonjd
You need to have both the ruby and sapphire plate in LG or FR to trade to emerald, ruby andy sapphire.
You need to have the rs plates to trade to sapphire.
You need to have the rs plates to trade to ruby.
You need to have the rs plates to trade to emerald.

on topic:

Kstar, very good idea! how come i didn't think of that sooner. You could do the same thing with emerald or ruby. and you could get the starter, trade, new game, starter, trade etcetera to get the FR LG starters too, but you would need to trade to another fr/lg.
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Good Eye Sniper
If you don't have the right badges they won't lisen to you so just get the starters from a friend and breed them.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
Just remember the Pokemon you trade over to FR/LG will gain more experience because they are considered the person from your previous save file. Keep that in mind so they will obey you. I would restart any good Pokemon from Sapphire to FR/LG then restart and do all that.


Well-Known Member
i agree, i just did the same thing, went and restarted with all three starters and it feels alot easier playing sapphire. only problem i ran into while trading them back from my firered was that while using them they did not obey till i got the second badge. if your not too far into the game yet i would give it a try.


Sera Kureseria
Do not forget that you have to beat the E4 on R/S before you can trade with FR/LG.

No, no, thats only in Emerald. Ruby and Sapphire recieve the National dex upon trading and maybe battling with FR/LG. Which is good, because I never got around to beating the Elite Four on my Sapphire, and needed to get Kyogre onto my Fire Red.