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Beg, Burrow and Steal! (383)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Beg, Burrow and Steal!

Still exploring Izabe Island, Ash & Co. come across a wilderness where a couple of people are studying the Wild Trapinch. However while doing their research on the Trapinch, Ash & Co. and the scientists fall into an Underground Labyrinth. Can they get out?

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Frustrated Elf
I have two huge exams Friday morning (Japan time), so I won't be able to write up a synopsis of the episode until Friday afternoon, at the earliest.


Frustrated Elf
I've got a huge kanji final exam coming up tomorrow, so I'm not going to have the summary up until after that's finished (roughly early Friday, US time). I do have a few quick notes, though:

-It seems like Brock's Ludicolo's little quirk is that, when it's called out, it instantly starts dancing with Max. Of course, since the pokemon's so much bigger than Max, it just kind of swings it around like a rag doll. Ludicolo does this routine twice in this episode.

-Jessie uses her Dustox and James uses his Cacnea, both for the second episode in a row.

-The eyecatch/Next Episode Preview was changed AGAIN--this time, there was a Regirock theme.

Other than that, it was a standard filler episode. I'll get the details up within the next few days.


Old Coot
That's a first that they switch eyecatches so quickly. o_O $5 says they go through the rest of the Hoenn Legendaries this way.


Old Coot
I'd imagine it's more of an orange. Whenever I see the episode, I'll let ya know. :s

V Faction

Well, it looks like Brock's Ludicolo has become like the stereotypical Ludicolo: It Dances. I'll miss the dazed personality, but I guess it's just a fact of evolution.

Regirock, eh? A legendary cycle doesn't sound bad.

Factory Head Noland

Ludicolo sounds awesome! I thought that it wouldn't make an appearance for a lil while because when do Brock's Pokemon ever come out? Not very often...
Ludicolo is just gr8! It dances, it swings Max around, what more can you ask for? lol

Standard filler huh? It doesn't sound too bad...

Regirock, it will look cool I hope that there are more eyecatchers!!

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Ludicolo dances with Max?! Lol! XD Now that I gotta see! Ludicolo still seems to have a funny personality. *Tries to imagine Ludicolo swinging Max around* LOL!

Take your time with the synopsis, Dogasu. We understand! =D

EDIT: Whoo hoo! Mind Trainer! ^__^


Dogasu said:
-It seems like Brock's Ludicolo's little quirk is that, when it's called out, it instantly starts dancing with Max. Of course, since the pokemon's so much bigger than Max, it just kind of swings it around like a rag doll. Ludicolo does this routine twice in this episode.
Max is an "it" now?

Anyway, another standard filler? Then again, Houen has very good fillers, so...
He does not deserve more than an "it".

Anyway, I hope they just go through the Regis and then go back to Ray and loop that, I don't want to see them go through all the Legendaries like this.


Old Coot
Here are the new eyecatchers:

[img135]http://myuu.munkki.net/images/eyecatch.jpg[/img135] [img135]http://myuu.munkki.net/images/eyecatch2.jpg[/img135] [img135]http://myuu.munkki.net/images/eyecatch3.jpg[/img135]


I own the 5th gen
that's Registeel, not Regirock.

PKMN Master Travis

I just saw this episdoe and it was great Trapinch and Vibrava are cool. Theres proboly gonna be a new shipping for that lady and that guy. Ludicolo is very funny its cool that it knows Bullet Seed.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I'm thinking Trapinch's dub voice will be similar to Seedot's dub voice.

Crap, Ash let them all get away.

Those were some pretty big pits for such little Pokemon. But when they started munching on the Diglett Mech, Kodak moment.


Contaminated KFC
Did anyone else notice that the Diglett mecha is the exact same one that was used in attempt to steal from the Slowpoke Well? 0.o; Ahh Team Rocket, they can be so retro when they want to be~
Just saw the ep pics...

Poor Brock, crying for two eps in a row because of not getting the girl...


Man, is Ash lucky or what?
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