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Beldum Question.


<- You Will Be Mine
OK, this may be in wrong place, so correct me if it is.

I was wondering if Beldum was found wild or was he human created? It's interesting because their cells are practically magnet-like.Maybe Steven created them? If anyone knows i would love to know.


Well-Known Member
i don't think it ever says, but i think steven could have made it cause its the only one in the game (unless you breed) but you can't find it in the wild so im guessing its man made?


Knight of Oblivion
i'm guessing it is not a true native pokemon of Hoenn but from a different region that is gonna be in the 5th-7th generation


Completing The Trio
porygon has to be man made because its a man made item that evolves it twice


Sinnoh Master
maybe beldum is a wild pokemon just a one off like rayquaza etc.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
nobody knows


Well-Known Member
Beldum is found in the wild, otherwise the pokedex would've said so plus if you read the entry, the actual stage of making metagross is four beldums linked up together.

-Man made pokemon wouldn't have this behaviour
-Since you need four beldum adn you can evolve in the grass, we assume that other beldum just come at that level and combine like magneton needs to be four magneite connected.


I said, Bring It ON!
mewtwo was man made, porygon1,2, and Z were man made, magnetons are the magnetic forces created by humans acting as a creature, and voltorbs are failed attemps at making pokeballs/item boxes.
beldum must be natural because otherwise how would it fuse into metagross?

does anyone think that the body of metang looks to much like the body of magnetons evo?


<-- Solves any case!
In shinou you can get swarms of beldum. Than again you can also get swarms of wild porygon. But probably it isn't man made. The pokedex would say so (they did with porygon and mewtwo).


Lucario is only obtainable twice in d/p but that doesn't mean it's man made. Beldum is just like that.


The Sandman
Well how many pokemon do you know that are human created? I think having steven make him is a good theory for it but y would he have a fully evolved one and then create another one pointlessly. I think he was just a really rare pokemon found by steven.


Beldum ISN'T wild in Hoenn. It IS wild in Shinou (via a swarm), so therefore Beldum is native to Shinou, and not man-made.

Porygon was created by Silph co., but for some reason it's wild in D/P. I guess someone got lucky at the Game Corner and decided to set up a breeding programme, or something.