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Bellyzard died!

1 w1nged @ngel

Fire spike FTW
I know that bellyzard is dead, but i use him anyways. Please help with this guy

Charizard@focus sash
252 attack/252 spd/6 defense
Belly drum
Shadow claw
Wing attack


Bona fide Narutard.
Can't help with him if he's dead. lol :p

No overheat if Bdrumming, Flare Blitz (beware of recoil) or Fire Fang. Some physical fire, abuse that max attack.

Jolly nature. You need max speed, you already have max attack, so no adamant.

Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Rock Slide, Crunch and Earthquake are also options.

But really, don't use this competitively. Stealth Rock will murder this.

Hold leftovers or a salac berry.


Well-Known Member
Or mix sweep with him?

Charizard@Choice Scarf
Hasty Nature|
Air Slash
Dragon Claw