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Best 8th Gym Leader

Best 8th Gym Leader

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Back I guess??
I like juan, just because my 2nd fav. type is water, and water poemon is the type of the most varied combinations (excluding flying), but I don´t know why I don´t voted in wallace, I like him too.
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Cipher said:
As far as difficulty, it was, from hardest to weakest, Blue, Wallace, Clair, Giovanni. I don't have Emerald so I can't speak for Juan. In terms of personality, Giovanni's the winner. I'd vote for Blue, in the end, but he's not up there.

whos blue??


I own the 5th gen
Ibuki. She uses Hakuryuu ^^. She's pretty sexy, too.


The Queen
I like Clair the best ---> go strong, woman trainers. XO
But seriously, I love the dragons. I really hated Wallace and Juan because it was harder to get to them in the gym than it was beating them. :( Giovanni and Blue...meh.


Probably Giovanni. I mean he's so easy if you have an above level 30 ground type with ya. Oh yeah, and a lot of Super Potions (but don't ya need them for all of 'em?!):)
Clair was facking hard since I used Feraligatr <>_<>
Gio was quite easy with my Venusaur.
Adan is just Adan.
Wallace is just Wallace.



hooray, it's Jetx!
I found Clair the hardest... I just voted her because I have no favourite, it was the kingdra...


I don't know!
SlimShady said:
I agree. He is dominant to the rest. So I voted for Clair since her dragons obviously pwn all. Her Kingdra is also cool.;230;
i voted Clair too. ^nuff said. I also like Juan and Blue, but Clair was the only gym leader i actually had some trouble beating in Silver.
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