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Best Adventures of Blue & Green?


I recently bought The Best Adventures of Red and Yellow, and I was wondering if there is a Best Green or Blue. If not, do you think they might make them in the near future? I got a gift card for Border's book store and decided to check out the pokemanga there and the artwork/humor is actually quite fun to read. It's a shame that all they had was Red, Yellow and then Mystery Dungeon something.

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
I recently bought The Best Adventures of Red and Yellow, and I was wondering if there is a Best Green or Blue. If not, do you think they might make them in the near future? I got a gift card for Border's book store and decided to check out the pokemanga there and the artwork/humor is actually quite fun to read. It's a shame that all they had was Red, Yellow and then Mystery Dungeon something.

It's not likely to happen, but if it did I would buy them. ;)

Most of their best moments were in the GSC and FR/LG sagas. Besides that, Blue's battle with Oak was featured in best of Red, as was Green's fight with Red.


Prepare to be pwned.
I would like to see Best of Green and Best of Blue as well, but they didn't really appear enough in order to get a whole volume thing for it... Unless they put some chapters for them together, as a "Best of Green AND Blue" thing...

Ranma 17

I don't think they'll make a best of Blue and Green, though i would like to see them.

i'd also like to see a best of Gold/Silver one too (cause i can't get them where i live)


Beginning Trainer
Is the best of Yellow worth buying? (Besides the fact that it's the only Pokemon Manga in my town anyways besides Mystery Dungeon) What things does it have in it?


Is the best of Yellow worth buying? (Besides the fact that it's the only Pokemon Manga in my town anyways besides Mystery Dungeon) What things does it have in it?

I'd say that yes, it is. I myself have only read the first chapter (I don't like reading a whole lot during each sitting haha) and it's pretty funny, seems like it has a lot of action later on, and the artwork is always nice. If you have a spare 8 or so dollars, go for it.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
They can't have a Best of Gold/Silver because Gold and Silver never appeared in the manga series that Viz had already translated.

And a Best of Blue/Green would most likely be even more confusing than Yellow was.

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
Strange, i've been there many times, but the site never loads for me.

*Dances happily*
Blue doesn't have to pretend to be sexy, she is the embodiment of it. Age 16+ of course. ;)


tsundere full force!
Haha....nothing's up in the shippers community so I'd go here and drop by.

Blue doesn't have to pretend to be sexy, she is the embodiment of it. Age 16+ of course.

Mm! SO true. She is the most sexiest girl lead in all of the manga. Second to her is Sapphire, of course.:D

I recently bought The Best Adventures of Red and Yellow, and I was wondering if there is a Best Green or Blue. If not, do you think they might make them in the near future? I got a gift card for Border's book store and decided to check out the pokemanga there and the artwork/humor is actually quite fun to read. It's a shame that all they had was Red, Yellow and then Mystery Dungeon something.

I dunno. Blue and Green are not that close(*twitch*)so it's likely never going to happen, but I would like one if they did one. Haha.


Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
I dunno. Blue and Green are not that close(*twitch*)so it's likely never going to happen, but I would like one if they did one. Haha.


You may want to get that twitch in your eye checked out. ;)

On Topic

If worst comes to worst, all go to the extremes of paying WingJourneys to illustrate it, regardless of how much she asks for. *

*Coincidently, those two will also be researchers in my sequel* :D


Turnabout Pokemon
Um. I think there's some major confusion going on here.

The reason there is no best of "Green" or "Blue" is because the first three volumes are considered R/B/G, but since Red's the protagonist, it's called Best of Red". And Yellow's arc corresponds to arc pertaining to Yellow version (in a way, at least) and since that character is the main one, that compilation is called "Best of Yellow".

Also, there IS Pokemon manga in english. But only in Singapore. VIZ themselves have not translated beyond volume 7 from what I've heard.