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Best Deoxys Form


What is the best Deoxys form, or should there be a new one like sp atck or sp dfnse form?

(please say if this should be in polls or has been done)
It depends what you are using it for.
If you want a good strong fighter use Attack. It has enough speed to outrun most Pokemon and it's amazingly high atk/sp.atk give it a huge edge.


baby tooth!

Attack form is the best. Its huge attack stats can easily ko most pokemon in 1 hit, not to mention only the likes of ninjask and deoxys speed form can outspeed it.


I dropped my balls
Defense is the best.

ratata used Quick Attack!
Deoxys(Attack mode) fainted!


<<The Best
speed although i am a speed freak


Well-Known Member
Defense just cause it looks kool


Jirachi Master
Speed is the best form.


Well-Known Member
Speed. Good HP, Solid Defense. Although I think a HP Deoxys is needed.
What I would do is do speical training. Trade it to Firered to ev train it in attack. Then trade it in Leafgreen and do some defense on it. Then in Emerald make it speedy. Then it has equal stats. Trade it around at times where it learns good moves


Attack form is the best. Its huge attack stats can easily ko most pokemon in 1 hit, not to mention only the likes of ninjask and deoxys speed form can outspeed it.

Extremespeed, Quick Attack, Mach Punch, all those can outspeedify Attack. And think about agility and BPing and stuff.

It's all about preferences. Some people want a tank, some people want a sweeper, and then there's Emerald. In answer to the question, I prefer the Speed form, since it's balanced.


Deoxys rulez all!
Attack Form Deoxys can beat up lots of pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Its Speed Form. All its stats are above average. Speed can kill attack form with one powerful hit. Its defenses are so low!


i personally like the speed form for stats and pwers, but the normal form for its looks, but there should be an ultimate from, with all extremly high stats