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Best Double Battle teams


Who would you put in a double battle team against some sort of incredible power or something, who's you choose to try and beat it with all the combos and stuff?

i think i'd have Blissey ;242; and possible Mew ;151;.

sorry if there is or was a thread like this, i searched it and nothing came up.

pokechuppa x


I love garlic. :P
For mee... It i wil be Gardi and Slaking;289;... First, Gardi would use skill swap, then slanking uses swagger... :D I have that combo on level 100


wowie i just thought with Blissey's
high HP and good source of attacks
and with mew, knowing every attack.
With 8 different attacks it could possibly
have all weaknesses conquered lol.

pokechuppa x
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Slowking + Slaking + Starmie.

First I send out Slaking and Slowking. Slowking uses Skill swap. I switch Slowking with Starmie. And there ya go! Physical and special pwnage!


lucario and rotomu, they're awesome and with their diversified types they could take out alot of pokemon


So Zetta Slow!
I would use two smeargles...
smeargle #1 : Mind Reader, Lock On, Sheer Cold, Fissure
smeargle #2 : Follow me, Protect, Detect, Recover
...you know what strategy I'm gonna use...hehe
...I have 40 different kinds of smeargles in my storage...hehehe


Well-Known Member
Two Snorlaxes. One powers up using Curse a couple of times, whilst the other protects it with Protect. When the first has awesome Attack and Defence, start wiping the floor. Whenever the first uses Earthquake, the other protects itself with Protect so it doesn't get hurt. It's a killer combination.


ooo, what's cooking?
I like puttig pokemon that should go together... well... together
Kyogre and Groudon (stupid combo huh?)
but mostly
Snorlax and Blissey, they will never die because of uber HP

P.S. Bulk, can u show me how u got ur icon a snorlax, i want it plz!


Well-Known Member
Lugia and Articuno! they're both powerful and cute!


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
ive used to quite a degree of success blissey with toxic, softboiled, aromatherapy and seismic toss and wobbuffet with encore, counter, mirror coat and safeguard, toxic opponent, wobbuffets shadow tag keeps them from switchin blissey keeps em both alive n can deal damage, works well ingame and against the few ppl ive battled with em

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
For mee... It i wil be Gardi and Slaking;289;... First, Gardi would use skill swap, then slanking uses swagger... :D I have that combo on level 100

thats good but you could also do this: slaking and spinda, spina uses skillswap, slaking with pwn some *ss, spinda uses teeter dance and copnfuses both opponents but not slaking! but the flaw of this is weather spinda would survive 2 hits or not...


Venusaur The Best
Venusaur and Alakazam no in depth startegy behind it i just like them. Venusaur putting the oppenents to sleep then using growth (which should be a grass type and better but nvm) and Alakazam using calm mind for 2 to 3 turns each. Alakazam with psycic and Venusaur with razor leaf two turns for most pokemon at the same lvl not to die.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
This is one my friend used:
Tropius & groudon

Drought increases tropius speed, and enables it to use solarbeam every turn. Groudon uses earthquake without hurting its partner.

deadly devon

Sea Ruby Trainer
i use lanturn and jolteon

they both heal each other by attacking each other with thunderbolt and if some1 sends a ground type then lanturn can send an ice beam or surf blizzard or hydro pump
This is one my friend used:
Tropius & groudon

Drought increases tropius speed, and enables it to use solarbeam every turn. Groudon uses earthquake without hurting its partner.

Good idea except it would work better with a Jumpluff.

My fave pair is Slaking and Dusclop/Claydol. Yep, Skill Swap.