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Best Dragon Trio

Best Dragon Trio

  • Dratini,Dragonair,Dragonite

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Bagon,Shelgon,Salamence

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Trapinch,Vibrava,Flygon

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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king krab kingler

Who is your favourite dragon trio?
I picked the Salamence trio as it is really cool!
I don't think I did but if I did ,I don't care if I missed any out.

Dragon tamer

I voted for Salamences trio,as salamence is my ultimate favourite dragon pokemon,even one of my favourite pokemon ever!


Back I guess??
none, no one, neither, all of them has 4x weakness, but the trio that I like more is the salamence one


Well-Known Member
i voted for the Trapinch-line, because its design is just awesome compared to the others.

The Dratini-lin ei sfine until its last evolution..I can´t stand dragonite for some reasons...

and the bagon-line...uhm..I like the whole "dreams-of-flying" thing, but shellgon looks so bad..it can´t be helped..salamence isn´t great either. (his wings, his body structure etc.)

I know that stat-wise salamence is the best of the "normal" dragons, but I like Flygon much more. gotta love his type-combo as well
You forgot Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra, but I don't like them.

I love all of the trios (talk about sitting on the fence), each has their different uses. I already have a level 100 Salamence and Flygon, and am currently training a Dragonite. I like Flygon I guess because it is a little different to the others, as it isn't weak to Rock and is immune to Electricity whilst still not being effected by Ground.


:025n172: I love the Dratini evolution trio they are sooo powerful.

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Definitely the Salamence trio. It's my favorite Dragon trio, and they've got amazing sweeping power. Still love the Dragonite and Flygon trios too, though.


+Chaos Blade+

I voted for the Trapinch family. Yes, they're all weaker, but I mean, they have a unique type, and they're not overused too much.

+Chaos Blade+
Salamence. No contest. An actual Eastern Dragon? Yes please!

I'm somewhat partial to Flygon, though. Salamence is just more favorite for me...
I voted for Dragonite trio!


Really and truly
I like the Dratini evo line. not only are they the original dragons, being the only ones from the first generation.
Dratini is cute, Dragonair catches me as very elegant and cool, and I like Dragonite simply because it's so cute while also seeming tough and even a bit cool.
Salemance is kind of boring and almost ugly, though it is kinda cool, and Flygon is just...weird (though it is again, kinda cool).
So my favourites remain Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.



The Queen
That's difficult...I love them all for different reasons, but I did vote the Salamance trio. Looking at Salamance, you get a big dragon with Intimidate and large movepool that spans out quite a lot. Not saying Flygon and Dragonite don't have the movepool, but I prefer Salamance. Also, Salamance is a prettiful dragon. ^^
I really only like Dragonite and Flygon for "in - show" purposes. :D


The trapinch-line is soooooooo cool, vibrava is my favorite among them by the way, second coolest after dragonair (but I'm really not into Dragonite right now)...
Team Rocket Admin said:
The Dratini line. I don't like the fact Salamence can't stand on his hind legs.
Yes, because we all know that not being bipedal automatically makes a Pokémon a failure ._.

You know, you could actually put some effort into your anti-Hoenn vendetta, rather than just picking out random features of good Pokémon("I don't like Dusclops because it only has one eye!").

Anyway, I voted Salamence. Dragonite may be more durable, and it may be able to use Dragonthrower, but pretty much any and every SE is still going to KO it, so why sacrifice Speed and Sp. Attack for balance? Flygon is very cool, but I just find Salamence more usable.

The 8th Champion

Team Rocket Admin

Well-Known Member
~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Yes, because we all know that not being bipedal automatically makes a Pokémon a failure ._.

You know, you could actually put some effort into your anti-Hoenn vendetta, rather than just picking out random features of good Pokémon("I don't like Dusclops because it only has one eye!").

Anyway, I voted Salamence. Dragonite may be more durable, and it may be able to use Dragonthrower, but pretty much any and every SE is still going to KO it, so why sacrifice Speed and Sp. Attack for balance? Flygon is very cool, but I just find Salamence more usable.

The 8th Champion
And you could do the same for your Kanto. :rolleyes:

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Kingdra line>Salamence line>Flygon line>Dragonite line.

Shame that Flygon doesn't get better Physical attacks. I mean, it can't even learn Earthquake naturally. TF?

Team Rocket Admin said:
And you could do the same for your Kanto. :rolleyes:

He just gave valid reasons, dear. ¬¬


They're all ugly and weak. I picked Dragonite because it's the first dragon family.
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