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Best DS online game (launching between now and Christmas)

Now, we all know that the DS goes online next week, and will launch the service with Mario Kart DS and Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, with Animal Crossing: Wild World soon to follow.

My question is, seeing as I can only get one at Christmas, maybe two(very slim chance), which should I get?

I liked the Cube Animal Crossing, but got bored due to the lack of people to play it with.

Mario Kart is always fun, and random, but I've never been good at racing games.

I've never played a Tony Hawk game, or any skateboarding game before, for that matter, so this is alien territory.

So, I'm really torn here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Charziken 13 said:
Now, we all know that the DS goes online next week, and will launch the service with Mario Kart DS and Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, with Animal Crossing: Wild World soon to follow.

My question is, seeing as I can only get one at Christmas, maybe two(very slim chance), which should I get?

I liked the Cube Animal Crossing, but got bored due to the lack of people to play it with.

Mario Kart is always fun, and random, but I've never been good at racing games.

I've never played a Tony Hawk game, or any skateboarding game before, for that matter, so this is alien territory.

So, I'm really torn here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Well IMO, animal crossing sucks! Mario Kart is one of my favorite games and so is Tony Hawk.

Tony Hawk games are complicated, but when you get the hang of it, they are very fun!

I'd get American Wasteland and Mario Kart

Project Alpha

I've never had that much fun with the Tony Hawk games, outside of creating deathtrap parks. I'd go with Animal Crossing: WW, because it looks like it's going to be better then the cube crossing. Bu MK DS will rock too. I can only get one for christmas, but my birthday's 5 days later, so I don't have these kind of dillemas.


Get Mario Kart.
I suggest you get Animal Crossing, even though I personally hated the game. If you just wanna chat to people then get it.
Tony Hawk games are crap.


revelations1 17
Pssh, Animal Crossing >>>>>>>>>>>>> all. End of story. I'm just afraid it'll murderize all my time....holy tape....

And especially with online, AC will be teh pwn. Even just a rent or something, 95% of the time, you'll get hooked.


I would immediatly cross Tony Hawk off of the list, as every consecutive game in that series has gotten worse and worse respectively IMO. =P So, between Animal Crossing: WW, and Mario Kart DS, I would say go with what you prefer. I'll be getting Mario Kart DS for sure the day it comes out, as I love the Mario Kart series, and having on a handheld with Wi-Fi out of the box takes the cake for me. ^^; Though as already stated, AC gives you an easy opportunity for chatting, and I must say, one of my favorite parts of that series is that there is always a goal you can work toward accomplishing, as the games is never "completed." So yeah, just go with what genre you prefer out of those two I guess. ^^


The Enigmatic One
I'll be getting Mario Kart DS exactly next week and Animal Crossing: Wild World in December.:) I recommend those two the most. Don't know about Tony Hawk: American Sk8land and Metroid Prime: Hunters won't come out till 2006.:( On a side note...

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection already online

With the official launch of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection just one week away, Nintendo has launched the Web site dedicated to its first comprehensive online enterprise.

Located at NintendoWifi.com, the site offers a host of information for DS owners who want to play online in numerous countries. It has an extensive section on how to log onto the service from home as well as a list of routers that are compatible with the Wireless DS USB connector.

The Web site also has a section dedicated to help users find a Wi-Fi Connection hotspot outside the home. Apparently, many of these site are already fully functional. When given the zip code "94105," the hotspot locator displayed six sites in downtown San Francisco where the network is up and running.

Indeed, NintendoWifi.com proudly displays the words "Global Wi-Fi Gaming Service Fully Operational" on the upper-right hand side of every page. There are also active leaderboards listing the top players of Mario Kart DS and Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, the first two games to use the Wi-Fi Connection.

Nintendo reps contacted by GameSpot said that the system was indeed online, and had been for weeks. However, they also confirmed that the only people playing online at the moment were authorized beta-testers and game journalists reviewing American Sk8land and Mario Kart DS, which don't go on sale until next week.

By Tor Thorsen -- GameSpot
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The Battousai

Handheld tonyhawk's are pretty crappy (except for PSP's THUG2 but this probably only goes for the gameboy/DS line considering the bird's eye view crap) so I don't see how this one could be much better. MKDS will probably be very good but it's highlight is online play and if you aren't very good at racing games you'll probably lose alot and be made fun of. Animal Crossing or Metroid Prime Hunters is probably your best bet and since your only problem with animal crossing was lack of people to play with and that problem will be solved by online play (you do have a router don't you) and Metroid Prime Hunters will probably be a blast considering how fun the multiplayer mode was in Metroid Prime 2. From those titles I'd go with Animal Crossing Wild World but I think Metroid Prime Hunters will be the best for online play and will be worth the wait.
Thanks for the advice, and yes, I do have a router. I've checked a million times to make sure that it's compatible, what with the release of Nintendo Wi-Fi. And on the racing games, I've never really played any, except for two player Double Dash!! with my friend, but I never drove. He drove while I dropped items. I really want to get Mario Kart, but the factor of losing all the time is holding me back. With Animal Crossing, that would be a sure thing as well, but I want to know more before I buy it. I mean, if the online doesn't add much, then I probably wont buy it. I guess only time (and X-Play) will tell on this one.


^Hey Cool_Sid, don't go around confusing people. =P Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time is not online capable. =/


As of now, Mario Kart DS is the highest-rated online DS game. (9.5 out of 10)

*Nags family to get DS*


Super Gamer
Mario Kart DS hands down. I've never played Animal Crossing and it doesn't look interesting to me. I also don't like cheap skater games - or skater games all together for that matter.

Go with Mario Kart DS!

Yeah, now Tony Hawk is out of the picture, so it's just MK and AC:WW. I actually think there is a good chance of buying one now, and getting the other at Christmas, so I think I'll buy Mario Kart this week, and, depending on reviews and feedback(I'll watch the Nintendo WiFi site for player responses, to see if it keeps going strong), and ask for Animal Crossing for Christmas. Thanks!

Edit: Hive Trainer! Sweet!


< My first Shiny!!!!
Animal Crossing for the GCN rocked! I allready reserved AC:WW!
Think of the possibilities! You can chat with whoever you want at the same time And still be a couch potato!