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Best Evo of a hoenn Starter?

Best Hoenn Starter Evo?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
What's your fave evo of a Hoenn starter? Mine's Combusken.
Blaziken, ftw


Shikamaru Fan!
mine is grovyle its one of the coolest pokemon i've seen in a while it's probally my favorite in that generation too.


ooo, what's cooking?
blaziken cause he awesome
How can you not go past Swampert?

Only one major weakness and that you can combat with Ice Beam/Blizzard, 400+ HP and Mid 300 attack, not to mention some good defense and Specials to boot, a total dream pokemon to have on your team.


Flame Trainer
Blaziken seems pretty popular. It's a Fire/Fighting chicken that can leap buildings. Cha! ;257;


Well-Known Member
Swampert, Swampert is the all intelligent Pokemon leader it looks like a weird dog fish thing but, it is secretly smarter then Alakazam and scheming to destroy all other Pokemon....

Swampert rocks.


Salingerian Phony
How can you not go past Swampert?

Only one major weakness and that you can combat with Ice Beam/Blizzard, 400+ HP and Mid 300 attack, not to mention some good defense and Specials to boot, a total dream pokemon to have on your team.

Because it's fat, ugly, and looks like Big the Cat (form Sonic Adventure). No offense, of course; that's how I feel.

My favorite's Blaziken. I'll bet it knows capoiera better than Hitmontop itself.


Rockin' Rock !
Blaziken or Swampert..it doesn't matter..Blaziken has cool attack..but the HM's he learns dont have very use..but Swampert can learn surf..a HM's with very utillity


Well-Known Member
How can you not go past Swampert?

Only one major weakness and that you can combat with Ice Beam/Blizzard, 400+ HP and Mid 300 attack, not to mention some good defense and Specials to boot, a total dream pokemon to have on your team.

i don't care about stats and weaknesses and stuff, but you're right, swampert rox!!!!!!!!1


Mines Blaziken. It is so awesome!

Deoxys Breeder

Deoxys Trainer

I would chose blazikain because he is god damn cool and he is got a good fire and fighting move set and powerful attack stats!
