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best/fav starters


Elite Fire Trainer
who is your favorite starter of all time, and which is the best?


Well-Known Member
my fave starters are torchic and mudkip, and the best starters are torchic and mudkip.


Rather bizarre
Torchic all the way.


YOUR best friend
I love Charmander, but as soon as it evolves... no thanks. My favorite fully evolved starter is Blaziken. I don't really think it's a very amazing battler though, simply because of its lack of speed, so the 'best' award probably goes to our new monkey friend. It's a Fighting type, and a speedy one at that!

Dan CiTi

Well-Known Member
Hoenn:Treecko or Torchic
Shin'ou:pochama or Hikozaru


serebii one
Fav Starters

My favorite starters are Pochama(I only understand english so I have never used him on a game but reading about him on the serebii pokedex, I just adore it)I like bulbasaur to, but I hate ivysaur and venusaur. lovin ;483; ;484;


Active Member
My favorites are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Blastoise(+ their evolutions) Which starters are the best? The Kanto Starters, no contest.


Active Member
charmander and treecko...they both look cool and they're speedy...they also have a cool attitude in the anime...specially their evolutions..


Strawberry fields.
I've never liked any of the starters that much, but Totodile is a cutie.

Dan CiTi

Well-Known Member
Favorite: Pochama.

Best: Hitokage.

Hmmm? Hitokage??? have SOME pokemon spirit and call it by it's name. If you want to call it by it's japanese name, go to Japan.

P.S. I don't hate japanese people at all(I LOVE Japan). But it seems so lame when people call pokemon by their jap. name when they have english ones, it kills some of the pokemon trainer spirit. Same with calling Ash, Satoshi(and yes, I know the new english VO's are horrid).
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^The Japanese names are their REAL names.

Plus, You call them what you want, I call them what I want.

Hmmm? Hitokage??? have SOME pokemon spirit and call it by it's name. If you want to call it by it's japanese name, go to Japan.

P.S. I don't hate japanese people at all(I LOVE Japan). But it seems so lame when people call pokemon by their jap. name when they have english ones, it kills some of the pokemon trainer spirit. Same with calling Ash Satoshi(and yes, I know the new VO's are horrid).

VO? Vapor Odor?

Anyways, there is nothing wrong with calling them by their japanese names.

I don't see you getting on to Haruka for calling Pochama Pochama.


Beginning Trainer
Kanto: Charmander, because its been my faveorite pokemon since before i can remember (kanto is my fav)
Johto: Totodile, Because even though hes weak he won me over with his personality:D
Hoen: Hoen is a tough one because Hoen pokemon are boring, except for Treeko because i never used to choose him but when i did he proved to be the best of the lot, mudkips evos are boring and torchics evos are overused and overrated IMO
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Hoen: Hoen is a tough one because Hoen pokemon are boring, except for Treeko because i never used to choose him but when i did he proved to be the best of the lot, mudkips evos are boring and torchics evos are overused and overrated IMO
The Hoenn Trio are actually interesting.

Unlike the Charmander line. Wow! A big ol' lizard! AMAZING!

Dan CiTi

Well-Known Member
VO? Vapor Odor?

Anyways, there is nothing wrong with calling them by their japanese names.

I don't see you getting on to Haruka for calling Pochama Pochama.
Haha VO means voice over. Pochama doesn't have a english name yet.

They aren't they're "real" names. I'm italian, but dosent danielle(said with accent) is my real name. Seriously, the english names mean something, and can make the pokemon memorable. Let's take Munchlax, its is Jap. name: Gonbe; completely forgettable and boring. English name: Munchlax;memorable, reminds you of good ol' Snorlax, gives it personality, etc.

I never said there was anything really wrong with it. It just bothers me, it's about respect I guess.