Elite Fire Trainer
who is your favorite starter of all time, and which is the best?
Favorite: Pochama.
Best: Hitokage.
Hmmm? Hitokage??? have SOME pokemon spirit and call it by it's name. If you want to call it by it's japanese name, go to Japan.
P.S. I don't hate japanese people at all(I LOVE Japan). But it seems so lame when people call pokemon by their jap. name when they have english ones, it kills some of the pokemon trainer spirit. Same with calling Ash Satoshi(and yes, I know the new VO's are horrid).
The Hoenn Trio are actually interesting.Hoen: Hoen is a tough one because Hoen pokemon are boring, except for Treeko because i never used to choose him but when i did he proved to be the best of the lot, mudkips evos are boring and torchics evos are overused and overrated IMO
Haha VO means voice over. Pochama doesn't have a english name yet.VO? Vapor Odor?
Anyways, there is nothing wrong with calling them by their japanese names.
I don't see you getting on to Haruka for calling Pochama Pochama.