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Best/Funniest Move Animations


Canada Connoisseur
Every time a Pokémon uses a move in the games, it has an accompanying animation to let you know what they're doing. Some of them are a bit more memorable than others - what are your favourites?

I was kind of obsessed with the animation of Surf in Gen 2, because I liked how it made everything on the screen go all wobbly, including the names of the Pokémon and HP bars:


I also found the Gen 3 animation for Rock Tomb funny, because it looks like the user is dropping rocks and drawing a huge red "X" over the opponent:


And not forgetting Leer's Gen 2 animation with its laser eye beams:


(All these are from Bulbapedia.)
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Canada Connoisseur
Just found out that when Dubwool uses Double Kick, he jumps up and down. When Dubwool uses Headbutt, he turns around and back kicks.

And when Mudsdale uses a kicking move, he turns around and kicks with his back legs.


I've always found Mud Sport to have an amusing animation in the Gen III games, mostly because it seems absurd to me that flinging mud in the air doesn't cause damage. I also find Attract's animation to be silly because it feels over-exaggerated.


Canada Connoisseur
When a Pokémon uses Seismic Toss, they "throw" the opponent around the globe, similar to what it looks like in the anime. If you look closely at the globe, some real-world countries such as Norway and Russia are visible, which somewhat implies that Pokémon takes place in our world, but in an alternate dimension:


(In Japanese, Seismic Toss is called Earth Throw, which may explain a globe being part of the animation.)


NovaBrunswick said:
When a Pokémon uses Seismic Toss, they "throw" the opponent around the globe, similar to what it looks like in the anime. If you look closely at the globe, some real-world countries such as Norway and Russia are visible, which somewhat implies that Pokémon takes place in our world, but in an alternate dimension:


(In Japanese, Seismic Toss is called Earth Throw, which may explain a globe being part of the animation.)

I think that in the Gen II games the animation showed the Pokemon throwing a literal globe at their opponents when using Seismic Toss, which I found equally hilarious.
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Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
I liked how Nightshade looked in Gen I in the original GB release before the 3DS VC release changed it to prevent seizures. I wanted a move back then called Heatwave that also used that animation before the name actually became an actual attack. Surf and Haze also had pretty neat looking animations in the first games.


Captain Jigglypuff said:
I liked how Nightshade looked in Gen I in the original GB release before the 3DS VC release changed it to prevent seizures. I wanted a move back then called Heatwave that also used that animation before the name actually became an actual attack. Surf and Haze also had pretty neat looking animations in the first games.

Speaking of Heat Wave, it received such a bad animation in the Gen III games: I remember it basically looking like an orange version of Sandstorm, and its Gen IV animation wasn't much better since it looked like an orange version of Ominous Wind.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Splash always makes me laugh. Simply animated, yet goofy. Leer in the first generation reminded me of Cyclops from the XMen in a way.