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Best Gummi Locations


Wants name change
This could be useful to some people, including me.

Here, you can post the dungeons where you seem to find the most of a certain coloured Gummi. This could be used as reference when you need the right Gummi. Here are some of mine:

Grass Gummi: Sinister Woods
Green Gummi: Sinister Woods
White Gummi: Mt. Steel (I only seem to find them there)
Red Gummi: Magma Cavern (I have about 18 of them from this place)
Black Gummi: Magma Cavern

Post yours!


I am watching you...

UPROAR FOREST IS A GOD FOR GREEN AND GRASS GUMMIS! My record for finding gummi's in this 8 FLOOR HEAVEN (there are actually 10 floors. The 10th floor has/had a boss on it and the 9th floor only has chestnuts) are 15 gummi's found (mostly Grass).

That's almost as much as the Red Gummi's in Magma Cavern and it has a lot less floors!


Well-Known Member
Sky & purple gummis: Sky Tower
Green and grass gummis: Uproar Forest
Blue gummis: Stormy Sea
Red, brown, black, and grey gummis: Magma Cavern


I wanted ketchup!!!
Yuo can find alot of Sky gummis in Skt tower
Purple, Pink and Sky Gummies: Sky Tower
Blue Gummies: Silver Trench/Frosty Grotto
Grey, Silver and Red Gummies: Magma Cavern
Clear Gummis: Frosty Grotto
Green and Grass Gummies: Uproar Forest
Yellow Gummies: Howling Forest
Brown Gummies: Howling Forest

That's all I can think of right now


Well-Known Member
I find a few Yellow Gummies in Howling Forest, but only about 2.
Is there any other better place to find them?


I am watching you...
Lookie *here*

Gamefaqs.com said:
White Normal Mt. Steel
Red Fire Mt. Blaze Peak/Magma Cavern
Blue Water Frosty Grotto/Mt. Freeze Peak/Stormy Sea/
Silver Trench
Grass Grass Uproar Forest
Yellow Electric Mt. Thunder Peak/Howling Forest
Clear Ice Frosty Grotto/Sky Tower
Orange Fighting Mt. Steel
Pink Poison Sky Tower
Brown Ground Howling Forest
Sky Flying Sky Tower
Gold Psychic -none-
Green Bug Uproar Forest
Gray Rock Magma Cavern/Sky Tower
Purple Ghost Sky Tower
Royal Dragon -none-
Black Dark Magma Cavern
Silver Steel Magma Cavern

Note: The Gummies with -none- for the Dungeon column do not have special
dungeons in which they are more commonly found, so they have equal chances to
be found in about every dungeon that sports Gummies as one of their items.