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Best Hidden Secret Base


Well-Known Member
Hi,my friend and I have decided to make new bases and mix records but not tell each other the new location of our bases.And since as always I want to be evil and give him a hard time finding mine I want sugestions on a greatly hidden base.From the ones I have seen the most hidden one is the one near Fortree which requires surf,waterfall and acro bike.But some sugestions would be good...


Team In Flames
If your friend hasn't fully explored the game yet, then the ones close to Fortree are the best. Another idea are the ones north of Rustboro on route 115 that's in a secluded area west of Meteor Cave. It needs Surf (All six) and a Mach Bike (Two of the six).


Well-Known Member
nope,he hasn't.Unlike me he prefers to progress in the game and lv up pokemon instead of exploring the super duper ultra amazing and exciting place called Hoenn!

Although he has suspected waterfalls and he will be prolly searching around them.


Team In Flames
There's not many waterfalls in Hoenn now I think about it.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I have one near Fortree city, in the rainy road.s


Well-Known Member
maybe I'll consider the Rustboro or one below Mossdeep

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
Do one on one of the sea routes, bases there are hard to find.


Well-Known Member
Ok,I think it will be a sea route one or the one next Verdanturf.The first place he'll search is waterfalls,so the the Fortree one won't work.Yup,off to find a nice sea one or else off to Verdanturf!If there only were one on the left of Pacifidlog,but there isn't.

and btw the Mauville one is very easy,everyone goes to Mauville very often since the breeding centre is there.


Local psychopath

1. When you go to fortree, go left,and you see the long river? if you surf down the river for a while, youl get to a secret base. its in a tree,
2. The ones near the left side of fortree that require the Acro bike. I heard that match bakes are more popular, so if he uses match bikes, he wont find it for a while.
3. Any sea route one thats on a amall island. Prefarably not with firsherman, becasue your frind might go there to batle them one day, and find the base.
3. the one that when you go north from rustborow, you have to surf a while, then you get to that island. then use one of the ones that require the match bike to get up to.
4. when you go through the tunnel in verdenturf, you can get to a small place. this is where you get the blackglesses. one of them there will work
5. when you go east from fortree, after following the path for a while, youll find a placee where youll have to cut to get there. there are are also a few berry spots there, sso youll know when you find it.
6. anywhere on route 123, under mount pyre.
7.Nort of mout pyre, and below the safari zone. there is a place where you have to cut a few times to get there.

Note: the closer to one, the more reccomended.
They are still all HIGHLY recomended. 7 is just the least out of those 7.
Those are my suggestions. tell your friend: happy hunting!
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Shadow Amongst Light
Route 115 north of rustboro. It takes surf to get to it and most people never go back that direction after they get surf. You have to surf from one of the sandy spots and head north following the rocks on the left. You have to pass a few trainers to get to it. There's either a tree or a cliff side you can make it... the cliffside one is farther north

Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
in mossdeep, go to the part-underwater place, go all the way up, then all the way east, surf to the barrier(still EAST), go up all the way, and theres to secret bases there. also in mossdeep, go down as far as u can without surfing, surf to the east barrier and follow it down untill u can go east again to the place with 3 fisherman and there is two or three there.

the first 1 is harder to find, but if your freind doesnt go for the obvious places first, i suggest the 2nd one.;201-h;;201-a;;201-p;;201-p;;201-y;;201-?;
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Well-Known Member
There are two Secret Bases in the south-east of Route 127. They require alot of Surfing, which we all hate, and they lay in the middle of nowhere. They are not likely to stumble upon.
The ones near Fortree or Verdenturf are too well known. Those will probably the first places your friend will search.


I know of a hard secret base to get to. It's in route 127 or 128. Go to Ever grande city. go down the waterfall, then surf left as high as you can(against the long rock. There are trainers, and shallow areas. The long rock should start to go upward. Follow it. There is a small gap in the rock in it's side, and inside is a small island with 3 indentions for bases, and a blackbelt(he can be regestered). also, you could pass the gap and continue going up, then you should find a rock/island with a few trainers and other indentions.

rune the 1st

how about the one in the dessert it's well hidden and there's only a slight chance of him finding it if he doesn't have the fossil yet it requires mach bike and it's in the top of everything and if he didn't get the fossil it would still be hard 2 spot because of the sandstorm
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