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Best legendary trios: Birds vs Beasts vs Golems vs Lake trio

Which Legendary trio is better

  • Legendary birds (Arcticuno Zapdos Moltres)

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Legendary Beasts (Raikou Entei Suicune)

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • Legendary Golems (Regirock Regiice RegiSteel)

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Legendary lake trio (Yukishii Emurito Agunomo)

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters


Procrastinate Today!
I HATE the lake trio in every way possible, to the point where I refuse to aknowledge them as a ledgendary trio. They all look the same, have basicly the same moves, gosh darn it, they are supposed to have different types!!

That aside, I like the birds the best, followed by beasts and rocks.

Why couldn't we have had ledgendary.......fish or something?
Why couldn't we have had ledgendary.......fish or something?
Seconded. But eh... I prefer them following an original storyline. =P

I really ignore Trios, but it'd go... Regis (Regi Girls help this a HUGE chunk! :D), then Lake Spirits (Similar, but hey! They have the best lore!), then Beasts (Awesome and interesting, but kinda fugly. D=) tied with Birds (Never really liked them much. But on second looks... they're OK.).

Never was much of Trio person... :(


YOUR best friend
I like 'em in this order: Golems, lake thingies, birds, beasts.

The golems win because they look so funny and I just love the idea of big walking piles o' rocks, ice and steel, not to mention they're super expressive, contrary to popular belief. Just LOOK at their DP sprites, they're so full of personality!!

The adorable widdle lake thingies remind me of Mew, which is a good thing of course. They're so cute and cuddly and interesting and I just wanna HUUUGGGG them.

The birds are... blah. I like cartoon birds and all, but the legendary ones aren't exactly on my favorite Pokemon list.

The beasts have WAY too many details slapped onto them for their own good.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
I like the original legendary birds the best ^_^. I was never much into the beasts, since they all look ugly to me. And I hate the Regi's with passion >_<. The legendary Lake trio thing is cool, but the Psychic typing isn't. We have way too many Psychic legendaries. >.>

But since I don't use legendaries, it's all irrelevant to me. They could be legendary lizards trio for all I care. XD


I prefer the beast.

The like trio looks almost the same and has the same moves.

The golems are boring and creepy.

The birds are not that original.

But the beast are cool.=)
I like the lake trios->birds->beasts->golems

I love the trio veery much and i hate the golems so much


Bird trainer
Beasts definitely. Suicune is one of my favourite Pokémon, and I've got a soft spot for Raikou. Entei is more meh but spending hours chasing him around in Silver endeared me to him anyway. :p

And because other people have put it this way:


I like this trio in order.

1. Legendary Lake Trio
2. Legendary Birds
3. Legendary Golems
4. Legendary Beasts


Thats tuff but i vote dddooooogggggggggssssssssss


Pokémon Trainer
I don't really like the trios as a whole, I like one or two from each, but since this thread is about the groups...

Golems > Beasts > Birds > Spirits


I like the birds, though the beasts come in close second. The birds are just so magestic, the only thing that knocks them down a notch it all the weaknesses that flying brings into play...


Back I guess??

Beasts > Regis >= Birds > Mew Brothers
Beasts looks ok, they were very well designed and the clouds in their back is kinda cool.
Regis get the second place because they were complex and simple at the same time. Simple design, complex idea. Maybe, the best idea among the legendaries (Including the non-trios), just gave you the most creative winner reason...
I think I can exclude Regigigas from the looking part. That thing is ugly, but interesting. What´s the problem with that? There´re a lot of loved ugly Pokémon. *Tries not speak Char* ops...
Birds in 3rd, they are ok, but something on all makes them boring... I think they obvious for their type. Of course, Regis and Beasts (Excluding Suicune because people can think it´s Ice at the first sight) had also obvious types, but they are very diferent than we see in the normal Fire/Water/Electric/Ice/Rock/Steel Pokémon.
Mew brothers I like their look, but they´re the same excluding the colored head x_x

Regis > Mew Brothers > Beasts > Birds
Like said before, Regis had the best concept IMO, I like the Braille thing they added in the game, it was very creative and interacting (I didn´t just go to Serebii.net and see what I had to do, to get all of them (Didn´t even know about SPPf that time too). I took from a random site all the braille meanings and translated every plate, XD Two days thinking what "Relicanth came first Wailord came last" or something like that, meant). It was my favorite Legend catch. Getting a little off topic, Ho-oh mazes were also nice.
Regigigas added new things for a normal Pokémon. Dunno, the clown looking XD
I think the lake thing from Mew brothers was nice, better than "reach a place and see 3 little dogs running". Might change my mind about this one BTW.
Beasts are ok in the creativity set. Not very good, but not very bad.
Birds are fixed positioned, people did nothing with them and nothing new was added to them, almost no story (if they have, almost sure it´s worse than the other 3 trios)... wonder why it took last creative...

Beasts > Regis = Birds
Mew brothers can get any place. Maybe they´ll be between Beasts and Regis.

Beasts are just beasts battling! Excluding Entei, the Bests can make a great comeback for your team.
For the Regis, Regice is the only common used, but the other two has a lot of potential depending on your team. Their ability to absorb weakness attacks is great, then in the end they can just.. EXPLODE XD I love this attack.
Birds... they´re ok and got a good boost with XD moves, if it wasn´t that, I´d consider they worse than the Regis.

I think I´m done.
At the poll, I voted Regis. Because it´s the only Trio with four members XD LOL
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Rather bizarre
Golems. 'nuff said.