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Best nature for Heracross?


prophecy fulfilled
Heracross (M) @ Choice Band ** You In The ***
Trait: Guts
EVs: 12 HP / 126 Atk / 120 Def / 252 Speed
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Brick Break
- Focus Punch
- Megahorn
- Rock Slide
hey i heard you were having trouble with natures for heracross.
i do believe i can help. first i need to know what kind of heracross you want?
for example, a physical sweeper, a speedster or one that can hack flying moves!

any way omastar i dont mean to be rude but giving heracross focus punch, without substitute is a stupid idea. almost as stupid as throwing a steak to a shark thinking it will go away!
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fighting_master said:
any way omastar i dont mean to be rude but giving heracross focus punch, without substitute is a stupid idea.

That is true for in-game. Competitively, it's a different story. Play NetBattle and you'll see why.

There are only three movesets for Heracross: Choice Bander, Physical Sweeper, and EndRevver.

Use this for in-game:

Adamant Nature @ Leftovers
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Rock Slide
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I was thinking about the moves:

rock slide

what is a good nature for that?
Adamant. Let it hold Salac Berry.


Marsh Trainer
and give it enough speed to outspeed the base 130 speeders with a + speed nature.
So its speed should be (two thirds of 394) + 1 which is 264.


Any nature that lowers special attack is good, but adamant is most likely the best.


prophecy fulfilled
fighting_master said:
hey i heard you were having trouble with natures for heracross.
i do believe i can help. first i need to know what kind of heracross you want?
for example, a physical sweeper, a speedster or one that can hack flying moves!

any way omastar i dont mean to be rude but giving heracross focus punch, without substitute is a stupid idea. almost as stupid as throwing a steak to a shark thinking it will go away!

from the bolded part i know that you have no idea
0mastar said:
from the bolded part i know that you have no idea

You absolute *** it was a joke!!!
i cant beleive you could insult me like that!!
i am well aware that heracross cant hack flying moves at all. thats why i listed it last anyway!
im sorry but you really p***** me off!!
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