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Best of Pokemon Adventures Discussion

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I forgot if we already had a thread like this or not, but The Best of Pokemon Adventures: Red came out in October, so, us... discuss. But first some notes about it. (Just for the record, I am calling Green and Blue by their original names, but people do that 90% of the time here, so oh well.)

  • It was released on October 17, 2006.
  • It is in left-to-right format.
  • Green (the boy) is still called Blue and Blue (the girl) is still called Green.*
  • Jynx is now shaded light-gray (I don't know if it was like that the first time or not.)

*Well... there was a little mix up that Viz did. They might have done this the first time they publisihed the chapters, but... on page 144 (the title page for "Just a Spearow Carrier"), they kept Green's name as "Green" and Blue's as "Blue". Just on that one page.

Also, there's a big problem with Viz keeping the manga left-to-right. On page 154, it shows the tournament chart, with Green and Red on the left and Blue and Profesor Oak on the right. Now, normally, the people on the left go first, but this time, the people on the right, Blue and Professor Oak, go first. Now, this isn't a problem in the Japanese version because everyone's positions are flipped around and so it makes sense. But since they're on the wrong sides, it, well, messes things up.

Okay, discuss, please. (Oh, and "Yellow" is coming in December.)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully these books will get great sells and pokespecial will be revived! But i doubt it...sigh...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hopefully these books will get great sells and pokespecial will be revived! But i doubt it...sigh...

I think it would've been "revived" earlier than this if it was ever going to happen...


Turnabout Pokemon
I liked having some of the chapters from the first three volumes collected into a book. It also somewhat revived interest in Pokemon Adventures. So, maybe if it does sell well, they might continue the series. Or at least maybe translate the Diamond/Pearl series of Special since D/P is going to come out in the United States in the upcoming months.

Also, I would love it if they released the "Best of Electric Tale of Pikachu" and/or "Best of Magical Pokemon Journey". Would anyone else be interested in seeing those come out?


These books are merely collections of various chapters in R/B/G in no specific order, am I correct?
Why the (beep!) wouldn't they just translate the newer ones instead?


Turnabout Pokemon
Why the (beep!) wouldn't they just translate the newer ones instead?

Because they are testing out the waters to see if Pokemon manga (in general) are still marketable. The people at VIZ aren't just going to blindly start translating any Pokemon mangas again if they believe it won't turn up a profit. With these "Best of" books, they are trying to see if the fans are still willing to buy the mangas.


These books are merely collections of various chapters in R/B/G in no specific order, am I correct?
Why the (beep!) wouldn't they just translate the newer ones instead?

They have to test if people would buy it or it would be a waste of money to Viz.


Pokemon Trainer
I've Heard Of It

It"s In One Of My Tips And Tricks Issue I Got Almost A Week Ago I Am Getting That

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I couldn't find any of them that were less than a month old.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
For the record, manga isn't the only thing Viz has been releasing lately. Reprints of those Let's Find Pokémon hardocovers (were they hardcovers the first go around?), sticker books (based off Kanto Pokémon...) and those Pokémon Tales books (aimed for real little kids) have been coming out right and left lately.

I wonder if PUSA now controlling merchandising has anything to do with it. *shrugs* I would love for Pokémon manga to come out here in the states. But I really doubt we'll see anything new unlesss sales are outrageously high, which they won't be. So eh. I would also recommend to take the Viz survey on their site requesting for more Pokémon, but I think they took it down.
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Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I did see a Let's Find Pokemon books with some other books in a dentist's office...

They're doing this as a test run to see if it's worth trying to run the series again after it flopped the first time.

Yeah. The way I see it, the Best of Pokemon Adventures books are our last and only chance, because if sales don't do well a second time, there's no way Viz'll translate more.


Still though, if they were to translate more (preferably right-to-left), what would they do if they decided to re-translate the first seven volumes right-to-left? After all, they've already used the cover for Special Volume 1, and the TBOPA Yellow is using the cover of Special Volume 4. Shame, really, because all Viz would have to do is replace Red/Yellow with 1/4 to have the same cover.

Oh well, that'll only matter if they were to re-translate anyway.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
i think i'll try to buy it so they keep making them. whats EXACTLY in it?

Just certain chapters throughout the manga. The Red one has...

Chapter 001- "VS Mew"
Chapter 002- "VS Machoke"
Chapter 003- "VS Kanghaskan"
Chapter 004- "VS Pikachu"
Chapter 005- "VS Onix"
Chapter 015- "VS Wartortle"
Chapter 016- "VS Tauros"
Chapter 017- "VS Jynx"
Chapter 024- "VS Dragonite"
Chapter 025- "VS Articuno"
Chapter 039- "VS Spearow"
Chapter 040- "VS Charizard"

Or, to use the Viz names...

Chapter 001- "A Glimpse of the Glow"
Chapter 002- "Bulbasaur, Come Home!"
Chapter 003- "The Secret of Kanghaskan"
Chapter 004- "Wanted: Pikachu!"
Chapter 005- "Onix is On!"
Chapter 015- "Wartortle Wars"
Chapter 016- "Tauros the Tyrant"
Chapter 017- "The Jynx Jinx"
Chapter 024- "What a Dragonite"
Chapter 025- "You Know... Articuno!"
Chapter 039- "Just a Spearow Carrier"
Chapter 040- "A Charizard and a Champion"

Basically, it goes from the beginning to the end of the RGB arc, only it skips a lot of chapters.


Turnabout Pokemon
There are a few reasons why VIZ avoided putting it too much of the Team Rocket conflict in the book. One of them being that they couldn't fit in too many chapters into such a limited paged book. Also, they wanted to leave those parts out to give the newbie readers a reason to want to get the original graphic novels (i.e.: give them incentive to want to find out what happened with TR).

Best of Pokemon Adventures isn't not only something that's being used to test out the Pokemon manga market, it also serves as something to get people to buy the previous mangas, too (it's somewhat of a sampler comic). ...And a way for VIZ to make a quick buck, too. :/

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
My main complaint about the Red volume is how out-of-place chapters 24 and 25 are. They add nothing to the story and rely on background which isn't explained in the book. Chapter 18 (Vs. Ninetales) would have been a much better decision. It's heavily referenced in chapter 40 for one thing and it plays a vital role in the whole "Red and Green (boy) learn from each other" thing. Another good choice would have been chapter 9 (Vs. Fearow)...