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Best place to level up?


Mr Kabutops
I find the best place to buff my levels is by killing Deoxys' mirages over and over. Problem I have with that though, is his defence form. Weaker mons fail to do anymore than 1 damage to it. I tried to level up groudon here (he hasn't leveled up yet at all) and he couldn't take down Deoxys' defence form.

Any other places which give good exp? Hypno's seem to give off more EXP than usual too.


Team In Flames
Maybe the Dojo? *shrug*

I don't train. I just do missions.


Team Hydro is great, so is Team Rumblerock. Just do rescue missions, you will get items, money, rescue points, and EXP


Mr Kabutops
Just do rescue missions, you will get items, money, rescue points, and EXP

True, but most rescue missions are too hard for my lower level pokes, which is why I wanna level up quickly