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best starter = naetoru


ok this is my first sketch ive done in a while so gimme a break:


i like it a lot but i would like a non-biased opinion. is it sig worthy?

btw, sorry about the bad quality, i took the picture with my phone. and idk if i need to give credit for this but, just in case, i drew this with the basis of the picture on serebii.net.
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Well-Known Member
Hiko's hands and feet need to be redone before you color or ink it.
After looking at the pic you draw from there actually pretty accurate.
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that was pretty hard those hands but they look better on the paper. hikozaru's left foot is hard to see in it too but on the paper it looks better. again sorry about the bad quality pic. thanks for the comment.
my mom, a professional artist, thinks that hands are the hardest to draw, if she saw your drawing, she'd be amazed, I know I am!!!


yea but naetoru would still kick his ***. thats just how awesome he is. thanks for the comments.


Active Member
xD I like the concept. The only problem I see is Hikozaru's feet. Its hand is quite good, though.

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
It's pretty good, though Hikozaru looks strangely bigger then it should be. o.o


damn you're right. im gunna make a new one with all three starters. im picture searching now. :)

EDIT: if anyone has any good pictures or pictures of the three starters they would like to see me draw, it would be great if you could post them. :D
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Poor Torchic
It's very nice! I wish I can draw as good.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty good, though Hikozaru looks strangely bigger then it should be. o.o
Agreeing with what Umi has stated. Naetoru and Hikozaru should be roughly the same size, with Hikozaru standing slightly taller. You have Hikozaru quite larger.

Other than that, you've really outdone yourself here!


thank you for all the compliments. if anyone would like me to draw something, not just the three starters but they are fine ill try it. im really bored. :)


you amaze me.
That's a very good drawing...I don't have any place to say anything negative about it because I wouldn't be able to do anything that good. But it's still really good.


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