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Best strategy for catching Chansey.


Azelf Protector
I'm having a VERY difficult time with catching Chansey. I've tried pretty much everything. Throwing a rock then a ball, throwing two rocks and it runs away. Nothing ever works. If you have a strategy please share it with me. I'm tired of being a slave to Chansey... Also, I want to get this clear. Once I get Chansey I just raise it's level until it likes me and it will evolve? I'm just confused on if I need to do something like trade it.


Just keep trying, I caught him by pure luck...I think catching him is just luck but when I caught him I held the button down + B


Well-Known Member
Its VERY hard to catch, 4 out of 5 times it will run on the 1st turn,I suggest just throwing safari balls till you get it

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but it's all about luck. As for Blissey, you can get it when Chansey has max happiness and then just level up.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
^^ He's right. Don't wast your time throwing rocks or bait cuz it never works.


Azelf Protector
Thanks. I'll try just throwing safari balls and see what happens. I guess you could say a relationship with Chansey is a love/hate.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
^^ LOL! Got that right! :)


Azelf Protector
YAY!!! Took me a little bit but I finally caught a Chansey! Oh, and is Chansey supposed to have a low attack and defense? Because mine's really low. I guess this is where IV's come in. Oh boy...

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It has pretty low Attack and Defense.
Chansey doesn't really need the Attack, but I suggest that you give it as much Defense EVs as possible.


Azelf Protector
Thanks again. Oops I accidentally put IV. Well, don't I look dumb. I don't plan on using Chansey until after Pokemon League since I can't get Blissey. I did however (while I was getting defense EV's for Chansey by fighting Metapod and Kakuna in Viridian Forest) happen to bump into a level 3 Pikachu that I will train. Yeah, it's off topic. I'm pretty random with training pokemon. I don't even know which is my favorite anymore.


The Master...
P.S it get will most likely run all the time if your safari ball doesnt at least get past the first shake! so its mainly luck and try to get the ball to the shoot one if it doesnt run throw another and it might work!
well thjast how it was with my chansey... dunno anout you.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Congrats on the catch, have sometimes searched for weeks to catch one. had some astronomical luck when re-starting LG the other day. first PKmon in safari zone was a chansey, got it first ball! It is nicknamed Lucky and has become my lucky charm.


I like pie.
this is why i hate chansey. not only is it rare, it's in safari zone where pokemon flee almost as much as the legendary dogs........

at least chimecho will stay still while you capture it but this is why i hate safari zone and why i appreciate how it was left out opf G/S/C


formerly R. New
Congrats on catching it. Just watch out for fighting types. Chansey will stand no Chansey (ha ha).

EDIT: Oh, and teach it Seismic Toss. It'll do no end of good.
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