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Best training for Mewtwo

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Hi all new here, I have done a search but nothing really seems to answer my questions.

I am just about to catch Mewtwo in FR (game saved outside Cerulean Dungeon) and I am wondering if once Mewtwo is caught, if I am not happy with its nature that can I just reset the game and try again? And if so at what point is the nature 'set'? Ie. can I just save the game right before him and it will be changed, or am I stuck with what I get at any point once a game is created?

I am thinking a Modest nature would be best (+SPATT -ATT) , would that be likely?

What do you experts think?

Thanks for any advice,



Yes, you can restart and Mewtwo may have a different nature.

The only predetermined natures are the dog trios' in FR/LG and Latios/Latias' in R/S/E.


Along with a modest nature, I should ask you to look out for outstanding IVs in special attack. Just make sure it gets at least 266 in special attack, that means it has flawless special attack IVs. You might settle between the 256-266 zone. Just check for a modest, if not, restart. Get a modest with at least like 25 IVs.


Thanks for the replies guys.

I finally managed to catch a Modest Mewtwo, and the first one had 261 SA, so I settled for that, not too shabby I think you'll agree (only took about 20-30 attempts!)

I've now completed it's EV training; 252 SA, 252 SP, 6SD.

Thanks again,



No problem anyway, I sorta feel legendaries are wasted if you just simply caught them in a master ball with bad stats and natures and stuff. Just put a master ball to excellent use, 26 sp atk Ivs already in the high quarter.
Lucky you.
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