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Best Training Spot


Better then you
Well IMO it's Western Cave. I have gone up atleast 10 levels in one run through. Team Hydro is good for raising lower leveled partners.


Obsessed Mewtwo Fan
I'm going to have to say Western Cave as well. The later levels have hordes of Blastoises and Charizards, and you get 1000EXP Each for them.

Not to mention the fact that there are free vitamins lying around everywhere in Western cave. ;150;

Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Don't you mean 4500 if you gain 3000 from defeating Team Hydro? :/

Personally I like the final floors on Wyvern Hill, the Dragonites there give 1000 EXP per faint, and they ARE plentiful, equipping a Joyous Ribbon means you get 2000. :3


Better then you
I was just playing Wyver Hill. The Dragonites only give 709 exp. So I'll take Western Cave over anything.

Cain Nightroad

I can't make it to the 80f's in Western Cave yet, even with my level 94...-_-'
I won't request help because it takes too long, but I can get up to around the 70's. I'll try it again soon.


I like cheerios.
I beat Meteor Cave 5 times. Only 3 levels in all. I beat Western Cave 1 time and 5 levels gained. Might I mention this was all done today?

Cain Nightroad

However, between those two, I would say Meteor Cave is better. It takes less time, and for 3 levels per 5 times (or more, depending on level) Meteor Cave would be the better, if you use that data.


< That's me! Hello!
20,000+? Hmm... actually, I don't believe it would be that much, since either speed or defense form give you about 700, I believe.

All Deoxys forms give you 1300 Exp if you use an actual move on them like Flamthrower. And that's without linking.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
What do you think the best training spot is? I think it is Team Hydro, with just about 3000 total exp. gained each time.

I don't think, I know what the best place is.

team one: (look in my sig, all three ar lv 100)

team two:

Ho-oh lv 69 max IQ
mewtwo lv 70 IQ 6
deoxys lv 70 IQ 5

well I go to

wyvern hill because there are dragonite on 25-30 floors.
western cave is awesome because alot of exp there.
team hydro, now this is the best place to train IMO. you can get your team ready and you get 3,000 exp and after I beat it I always go to the kecleon shop for joy seeds.
always keep an eye out on the bullitin bourd for rescue missions that are easy and have gummies you need or ones that have a really good item.

this is what I do everyday.